analytical paper based on NON-ACADEMIC article as a case for discussing an up to date macroeconomic issue

Экономические дисциплины
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Срок сдачи
16 Дек 2021 в 00:00
10 дней
11 Дек 2021 в 15:50
Описание работы

1.The analytic essay should be written in English 4-5 pages.

2.selects a NON-ACADEMIC article of 2021 as a case for discussing an up to date macroeconomic issue. The selected article should not contain only a mere description of facts! Rather, it should articulate an author’s opinion (statement, suggestions, forecast, interpretation, etc.) that can be argued by applying relevant models studied in the course (the Solow model, IS-MP, IS-LM-BP, Kydland-Prescott/Barro-Gordon, WS-PS, AD-AS).

3.The source should be a reliable NON-ACADEMIC general interest newspaper or magazine, such as The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Moscow Times, Ведомости, КоммерсантЪ, etc. Policy papers, research articles, or analytical reports are not allowed.


1. You need to briefly summarize the basic facts and conceptualize the main point/idea/argument/problem/issue using the GEM approach:

o G-general language (use by ordinary people in everyday conversations)

o E-economics (definitions, concepts, laws and regularities

o M-mathematics (graphs, algebra, econometric regressions)

2. Selection of an appropriate theoretical approach

3. Identification of crucial assumptions that make this theory applicable for the case analysis

4. Evaluation of the trade-off between unnecessary complication and oversimplification of the story

5. Application of graphical and/or algebraic analysis where appropriate; extend and modify the text-book version of the model

6. Formulation of propositions and/or conclusions in the professional language of macroeconomics

7. Ability to confront the author’s statements with the theoretical predictions of the designed model

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