Ответить на контрольные вопросы

Иностранные языки
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
28 Янв 2021 в 05:00
0 ₽
10 дней
25 Янв 2021 в 17:40
Описание работы
1. Give the opposites for: rigid - , hard -, weak -, conductive -.
2. What types of materials do you know? Give the examples.
3. What metals do you know? Name their properties.
4. What materials are flexible? Hard? Rigid?
5. What is a composite? Give some examples.
6. How can you test glass? How can you test plastic?
7. What is an alloy? How can you test alloy? Give some examples of alloys.
8. What is fiberglass? What are the properties of fiberglass?
9. What modern materials are used in manufacturing? Name their properties.
10. What materials and their properties do you know? What are the properties of plastics and ceramic?
11. What is ferrous metal? What is nonferrous metal?
12. How can you test rubber? Is it pure material or a composite?
13. Give the verbs that express testing to the pictures:

14. Translate the following words: to break, to melt, conductive. How can you test metals?
15. Translate the following words: properties, flexible, conductive. What properties does steel have?
16. Translate the following words: tough, brittle, to solute. How can you test fiberglass?
17. What is mild steel? What is stainless steel? What is high-speed steel and where is it used?
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