Английский язык тест "Синергия" 1 курс (ответы✅90/100 баллов)

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17 Ноя 2020 в 17:28
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Английский Ответы 90 баллов
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Английский язык 1 семестр тест "Синергия" МФПУ

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·        You need to … through security before you board the plane.

·        book

·        do

·        go


·        My boss ... from Sweden.

·        comes

·        does

·        am

·        come


·        What do you do in your free time?

·        I work flexible hours, which is great.

·        Between 40 and 50 hours.

·        I play golf.

·        We're doing quite well.


·        Hоw mаnу hоurs а wееk dо уоu wоrk?

·        Between 40 and 50 hours.

·        I work flexible hours, which is great.

·        I play golf


·        Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

·        Are there any Chinese dishes?

·        Yes. You should … the duck.

·        enjoy

·        try

·        recommend

·        like


·        Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

·        Do you ... any vegetarian dishes?

·        Yes, we have vegetarian pizza.

·        like

·        enjoy

·        recommend

·        serve


·        Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel.

·        The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain’s

·        airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport,

·        so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel ‘Yotel’. Each room has a TV, a

·        desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small

·        rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.

·        The rooms cost a lot of money.


·        true

·        false


·        I ... from Spain.

·        am

·        is

·        are

·        does


·        I'm checking out today. Can I have the… , please?

·        fax

·        bill

·        booking

·        luggage


·        The company... around 40 employees.

·        do

·        has

·        have

·        does


·        Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain's airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night's sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel 'Yotel'. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.

·        Woodroffe thinks Yotel will succeed ...

·        outside city centres

·        only in airports

·        in city centres, too


·        Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

·        What do you ... for the main course?

·        The beef is delicious.

·        recommend

·        enjoy

·        like

·        serve


·        Do you want a room with a bath? ...

·        Seven o’clock

·        Three

·        Yes, please


·        Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain's airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night's sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel 'Yotel'. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.

·        His first hotels were in the United States.

·        true

·        false


·        The office ... very international.

·        does

·        do

·        is

·        are


·        I don't like to pay ... when I order something. I prefer to pay when I receive the product.

·        a big deposit

·        free credit

·        after-sales guarantee


·        Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain's airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night's sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel 'Yotel'. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.

·        Travellers...

·        don’t like the rooms

·        aren’t interested in staying at Yotel

·        like the rooms


·        How many nights are you staying? ...

·        Yes, please

·        Seven o’clock

·        On Friday

·        Three


·        Do you meet your colleagues after work?

·        The room is very comfortable.

·        We're doing quite well.

·        From time to time.

·        I’m from Italy


·        Dessert: …

·        snails

·        ice cream

·        soup

·        apple pie


·        Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain's airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night's sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel 'Yotel'. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.

·        Yotels are...

·        only an idea now

·        in the airport

·        very near the airport


·        Last week. I... in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

·        will

·        be

·        was


·        Before you get on the plane, you can ... some shopping.

·        book

·        do

·        go

·        take


·        Where are you staying?

·        I’m here to visit my company’s head office.

·        I’m staying at the Hilton in the town centre.

·        I work flexible hours, which is great.

·        I play golf.


·        Main course:

·        ice cream

·        snails

·        steak

·        fish curry

·        soup

·        apple pie


·        ... she travel in her job?

·        are

·        does

·        don’t

·        how


·        ... is important with big or heavy products, because you can't take them home in your car.

·        Free delivery

·        After-sales service

·        Interest-free delivery


·        Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain's airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night's sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel 'Yotel'. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.

·        Woodroffe had an idea when he was sleeping in an airport.

·        true

·        false


·        Can I have an aisle ...?

·        luggage

·        bill

·        seat

·        booking


·        My new camera has .... If it stops working, the maker will repair or replace it.

·        free deposit

·        a three-year guarantee

·        a big credit

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Английский язык 1 семестр Тест 2020 (ответы 90 баллов)

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