Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции ответы тесты Синергия МФПУ

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1 136
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8 Янв 2020 в 16:19
1 курс
150 ₽
Результат Результат
56.5 Кбайт 56.5 Кбайт
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Ответы 2020
16.4 Кбайт 150 ₽

Ответы на оценку Хорошо - результат 73 балла - 08.01.2020

Вопросы в файле Word - Ответы выделены - удобно пользоваться при сдаче

1.If the principal refuses to ratify the transaction...

no one will be liable for damages

the agent will be liable for damages

the principal will be liable for damages

2.Choses capable of negotiation are classified as negotiable instruments and include…

postal orders

bills of lading

bills of exchange

3.The term 'goods" includes all "chattels personal" that are…




4.To control rogue dealers, the DG may bring proceedings...

in the Restrictive Practices Court

in the Crown Court

in the High Court

5.Sole trader...

has limited liability

shares losses with the people he employs

is liable for all his debts

6.A person cannot be a partner if

it is a limited company

he or she is a minor

he or she is an enemy alien

7.A consent of the principal …

must be given in written form

is to be given by deed

can be verbal, in writing or by deed

8.The mortgagor may create

only one mortgage over the same property

second and subsequent mortgages over the same property

not more than two mortgages over the same property

9.Employees are entitled to notice which could be a month …

for senior managers

for other managers

for senior clerical workers

10.The Monopolies and Mergers Commission consists of...

three members

not less than 10 members

not more than 30 members

11.Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment

by the common law

by statute

are not implied

12.A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely…

if other shareholders agree

if majority shareholder gives his consent

if the shares are dealt with on the Stock Exchange or the AIM

13.If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority…

the majority must agree with him

he must accept the decision of the majority

the court will support him

14.Leasehold estate which incudes the renewable yearly lease is …

the “term of years”

the “estate by sufferance”

the “estate at will”

15.A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…


if Articles of the company allow that

according to the decision of the directors of the company

16.A mortgage is void against a subsequent purchaser

if it is legal without title deed

if it is not registered in the Land Charges Registry

if it is not legal

17.Directors of a public company can be appointed...

at the age under 70

at the age under 60

at any age

18.General agents have …

unlimited authority

authority for a specific purpose

authority to act within certain limits

19.In case of trespass to land the duty is owed …

to the possessor if he is the owner

to the owner

to the possessor even if he is not the owner


20.In a bankruptcy the estate of an insolvent person passes…

into the control of a trustee

into the control of the creditors

into the control of the bankruptcy court

21.A shareholder has the right...

to sell the assets of the company

to give instructions to the directors of the company

to receive a proportion of the profits of the company

22.A subsidiary company is owned...

by a partnership

by a sole trader

by a holding company

23.The East India Company was created...

by Royal Charter

under Companies Act

by special Act of Parliament

24.The highest court of appeal in Britain is...

Civil Court of Appeal

House of Lords

Criminal Court of Appeal

25.Public limited companies can have…

two directors

no directors

one director

26.Agency of necessity can arise on condition that …

there is some emergency

the person charged with responsibility can get instructions from the owner of the property

there are no pre-existing contracts giving the agent responsibility for the property of another

27.The bankruptcy order is published in...

the Business Week

the London Gazette

the Financial Times

28.The bankruptcy petition can be presented by...

a creditor

the trustee

a magistrate

29.A company which develops a new product, protects this invention

by an insurance policy

by a share certificate

by a patent

30.The capital clause of the Memorandum states...

the authorized Capital

the capital assets

the actual capital raised

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