Росдистант, ТГУ. Профессиональный иностранный язык 1 . FINAL TASK 1,2,3

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Росдистант, ТГУ. Профессиональный иностранный язык 1 . FINAL TASK 1,2,3

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Final task 1

 The Final task consists of two parts: “Research Your Future Employer” and “Resume”.

The maximum score for both parts of the Final task in Module 1 “Job-hunting” is 10 points:

Part 1 “Research Your Future Employer”. You are asked to simulate the search for a potential job

Part 2 “Resume”. You are asked to write your resume for a potential employer

To complete the Final task 1, follow the directions:

  1. Download the Title Page form provided in the course, fill in with your details.
  2. Name your file, e.g. Module 1_Ivanov.doc
  3. In the file Module 1_Ivanov.doc complete the assignment Part 1 “Research Your Future Employer” (see “How to structure your answer”). Underline the words from the Module 1 used in your written work.
  4. Record your Audio file (the description of a potential job), e.g. Research Your Future Employer _Audio_Ivanov.mp3
  5. In the file Module 1_Ivanov.doc complete the assignment Part 2 “Resume” (see the template “Resume”). Underline the words from the Module 1 used in your written work.
  6. Upload 2 files: Module 1_Ivanov.doc and Research Your Future Employer _Audio_Ivanov.mp3

 Part 1 Research Your Future Employer


Choose a company you are interested in as a potential place of your job, find information about it on the Internet and describe its structure, the job description, the product produced, and your strengths for doing this job.


Follow the algorithm

1.                 Company’s name, year of foundation.

2.                 Business Description: Target Market and Customers.

3.                 Products and service Lines.

4.                 Structure, departments.

5.                 The department where you would like to work.

6.                 The position you are applying for, the job description.

7.                 You skills which match your potential employer`s requirements.


How to structure your answer

1.                 …. (company’s name) is the … … founded in 1940s.

2.                 Its target market is … ; and customers, who are interested in … .

3.                 The essential products (service) are …

4.                 Structure, departments: …, …, (e.g. quality control department, purchasing department, …) .

5.                 I would like to work in … department.

6.                 I am applying for the position of a …. A … is responsible for … .

7.                 The skills which match my potential employer`s requirements are … . Besides, I am skilled at … .

Evaluation Criteria


Total points

Criteria description


Full answer and appropriate vocabulary


the answer is full (150-200 words) and the vocabulary is appropriate for the topic


the answer is full enough (only 150 words) and the vocabulary is mostly appropriate for the topic


the answer is not full (less than 150 words) and the vocabulary is not appropriate for the topic


The answer is grammatically correct


the answer is grammatically correct, 0-3 mistakes are allowed


the answer is mostly grammatically correct, 4-6 mistakes are allowed


the answer is grammatically incorrect, there are more than 7 mistakes




the submitted speaking is comprehensible (1-3 mistakes)


the submitted speaking is comprehensible (4-6 mistakes)


the submitted speaking is incomprehensible (more than 7 mistakes)








Part 2 Resume


Study the resume template (downloadable resume file).

Replace the data in the sample by writing your resume for a potential employer using the words you learned from Module 1.


Evaluation Criteria



Total points

Criteria description


Full answer and appropriate vocabulary


the answer is full (150-200 words) and the vocabulary is appropriate for the topic


the answer is full enough (only 150 words) and the vocabulary is mostly appropriate for the topic


the answer is not full (less than 150 words) and the vocabulary is not appropriate for the topic


The answer is grammatically correct


the answer is grammatically correct, 0-3 mistakes are allowed


the answer is mostly grammatically correct, 4-6 mistakes are allowed


the answer is grammatically incorrect, there are more than 7 mistakes




 Final task 2


The Final task consists of two parts: “Mock Interview” and “Negotiate Your Salary”.

The maximum score for both parts of the Final task in Module 2 “Negotiate Your Salary” is 15 points:



Part 1 “Mock Interview”. You are asked to answer employer questions simulating

an Interview for a potential job


Part 2 “Negotiate Your Salary”. You are asked to negotiate your salary with a potential employer



To complete the Final task 1, follow the directions:

1.                 Download the Title Page form provided in the course, fill in with your details.

2.                 Name your file, e.g. Module 2_Ivanov.doc

3.                 To complete the assignment Part 1 “Mock Interview” listen to the provided questions.

4.                 Record your Audio file (your answers), e.g. Mock Interview _Audio_Ivanov.mp3

5.                 In the file Module 2_Ivanov.doc complete the assignment Part 2 “Negotiate Your Salary” (Use the expressions given below). Underline the words from the Module 2 used in your written work.

6.                 Upload 2 files: Module 2_Ivanov.doc and Mock Interview _Audio_Ivanov.mp3


Part 1 Mock Interview


The oral assignment tests the student's ability to respond to the employer's questions during a mock interview.


During the Final Task you will be ask to demonstrate how well you can handle the job interview questions comprehension and response. This is a very common list of job interview questions. It is something you can prepare at home and practice before going to an interview. If you know what to say, you will feel more relaxed and confident at the start of an interview. Listen to the questionnaire carefully and answer the questions about yourself. Play the audio, listen to each question, pause the audio, record your answer, pass to other questions.

1.                 Tell me about yourself. Describe your personality.

2.                 Would you mind telling me more regarding your qualifications?

3.                 What is your past work experience?

4.                 Could you let us have your previous employer’s details?

5.                 What were your job responsibilities at your last job?

6.                 Why are you leaving your current company?

7.                 How did you come to learn about this vacancy?

8.                 What things are most important to you in a work situation?

9.                 What are your career goals? Future plans?

10.             Where do you see yourself being in five years? Ten years?

11.             If you had a choice, would you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Why?

12.             Why should we hire you?

13.             What are your hobbies?

14.             What salary are you expecting?

15.             Would you like to add anything before we conclude this interview?


Evaluation Criteria


Total points

Criteria description


Full answer and appropriate vocabulary


the answer is full and the vocabulary is appropriate for the topic


the answer is full enough and the vocabulary is mostly appropriate for the topic


the answer is not full and the vocabulary is not appropriate for the topic


The answer is grammatically correct


the answer is grammatically correct, 0-3 mistakes are allowed


the answer is mostly grammatically correct, 4-6 mistakes are allowed


the answer is grammatically incorrect, there are more than 7 mistakes




the submitted speaking is comprehensible (1-3 mistakes)


the submitted speaking is comprehensible (4-6 mistakes)


the submitted speaking is incomprehensible (more than 7 mistakes)









Part 2 Negotiate Your Salary


The writing assignment tests the student's ability to negotiate your salary with an employer.

Carry out an investigation, determine the range of compensation other companies pay for that specific position based on your skills and experience, and prove your salary expectations.

Try to use as many new expressions as possible.


How to structure your answer

You’ve had your first and second interview. Imagine that you are negotiating your salary with an employer. Write the salary negotiation blueprint using the following points:

•         Polite start of salary negotiations

•         Future contribution to the company

•         Salary range and your expectations.

•         Benefits, compensation, perks, deductions.

•         Compensation package bargaining


Use the expressions for each point.

•         Broach politely the subject of compensation

“Сan I negotiate this offer?”

“Before we finish I’d like to raise the issue of salary base”.

•         Clarify your future contribution to the company

“I have incredible [enumerate] skills which I acquired and also some certifications too and I am able to add value to the organization”.

“Now I would like to get from you that how much value the company would like to give me for my hard work, I mean skills, and it will become an inspiration for”.

“My domain knowledge as a [position] will really impact my role in the same industry”.

“I’m sure that my experience will be of great asset to your organization”.

•         Your salary expectations. Carry out an investigation, determine the range of compensation other companies pay for that specific position based on your locality and experience.

“My expected salary is ranging between ___ to ____”.

•         Speak about benefits, compensation, perk, deductions.

“What other benefits are available?”

“What is the outlook for salary raises and promotions?”

“Annual raise with good performance will enable me to accept the offer right away”.

“Do you pay their employees for overtime or offer time off in lieu?”

“What targets do I have to meet in your company to get my bonus?”

“How can I earn commission, what percentage of the work amount and what’s commission rate?”

•         If you feel unsure about the compensation package

“How did you arrive at your offer?”

“I’m not prepared to except this”.

“Why don’t we meet half way?”

"Thank you so much for the offer. As I mentioned during my interview process, I am speaking with a couple of other companies. If you’re able to move the pay to [number], I’d be eager to accept.”

Evaluation Criteria


Total points

Criteria description


Full answer and appropriate vocabulary


the answer is full (250 words) and the vocabulary is appropriate for the topic


the answer is full (200 words) and the vocabulary is appropriate for the topic


the answer is full enough (only 150 words) and the vocabulary is mostly appropriate for the topic


the answer is short (only 100 words) and the vocabulary is poor


the answer is not full (less than 100 words) and the vocabulary is not appropriate for the topic


The answer is grammatically correct


the answer is grammatically correct, 0-3 mistakes are allowed


the answer is mostly grammatically correct, 4-6 mistakes are allowed


the answer is partially grammatically correct, there are more than 7 mistakes


the answer is grammatically incorrect, there are lots of mistakes












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