Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Lisa (to believe) … in aliens since she was 12”

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Английский язык Темы 1-8
218.3 Кбайт 280 ₽


Иностранный язык (Колледж ) / Темы 1-8 + Итоговый тест / Синергия / МТИ / МосАП

Введение в курс

Тема 1. Мой мир (Strong ties)

Тема 2. Моирасходы (Living and spending)

Тема 3. Учеба и работа (Schooldays and work)

Тема 4. Проблемы экологии (Earth alert!)

Тема 5. Ура!Каникулы! (Holidays)

Тема 6. Еда и здоровье (Foodandhealth)

Тема 7. Развлечения (Lets have fun)

Тема 8. Технология (Technology)

Самопроверка остаточных знаний

Итоговый тест для самопроверки


Ann can … Chinese fluently



to speak

to speaking

Unless you study hard, you … the exam 

won’t pass

are not going to pass

aren’t passing

will not have passed

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to surf) … the net, you can find a lot of interesting information”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I could only (to imagine) … what consequences it would cause I would decide faster!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I already regret it, but I need (to talk) … to you”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My husband doesn’t mind (to clean) … the house”


Kate always … funny jokes


is telling



Is that the girl … parents are lawyers?





Tom … to play tennis right now


is wanting



If you keep exaggerating every story you tell, people … trusting you

will stop


are stopping


You … fix the door before it’s too late





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Maria (to finish) … reading the novel”

She said she … Italian a year ago

wanted to learn

wants to learn

wants learn

wanted learning

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Mr. Smith said that the sun (to set) … in the west”

I put all the effort I can to bring … my children





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My mother said she (to meet) … me there at 10”

Remember to bring my coat …!





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When I finished the test my classmate said he (to begin) … doing it”

If she had slept more, she … health issues a year ago

wouldn’t have

will not have

didn’t have

wouldn’t have had

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “All the food from the table (to eat) … in the matter of seconds yesterday”

It’s so loud! Can you turn … the volume a bit?





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to stop) … the activity right after we realized it was becoming too dangerous”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My student (to wait) … for me for 4 hours before I came”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Last week I (to allow) … you to stay in, but now everything’s different”

My brother is great … studying





… (you/do) anything interesting this morning? 2) No, I … (not/think) so. 3) I … (stay) in. 4) … (you/go) out? Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

1) Are you doing; 2) don't think; 3) am staying; 4) Are you going.

1) Are you doing; 2) don't think; 3) was staying; 4) Are you going.

1) Are you do; 2) don't think; 3) was staying; 4) Are you going.

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You may never leave without (to say) … goodbye”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My sister always (to feed) … the cat”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My mom attends evening classes (to learn) … Italian”

1) Do you mind … (help) me with some jobs today, Sam? 2) I’m not keen on … (read) novels. 3) I prefer … (watch) TV. 4) I must … (finish) this essay tonight. I have to hand it in tomorrow! Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) helping; 2) reading; 3) watching; 4) finish.

1) helped; 2) reading; 3) watching; 4) finishing.

1) helping; 2) read; 4) watch; 5) finishing.

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Do you remember (to visit) … London last year?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “It was so nice (to meet) … you!”

… is a really healthy activity

To swim


To swimming


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Irene (be, to never) … as good at math as her dad”

There are so many clouds. It looks like it …

will rain

is going to rain

will be raining

will have rained

There are many types of schools in the world. Some are expensive, private boarding schools, like Rugby School in England where the game of rugby was 1) …! There are also some specialist schools, like drama schools, dance schools or the 40 acrobatic school in Wuqiao, China. It might sound like fun, but, as 13-year-old Zhang Li explains, «Our 2) … starts at 5:30 am. It’s very hard, but these 3) … will help me 4) … a living when I leave». There are also a wide range of school subjects at different schools. At Holden High School in the USA, subjects include comic book art, photography, song writing and yoga. Choose the right words to fill in the gaps in the text.

1) invented; 2) training; 3) skills; 4) earn.

1) invente; 2) training; 3) skills; 4) earn.

1) invented; 2) training; 3) skill; 4) get.

I have just got my driving licence. I … buy a car

am going to

will have bought

will buy

will be

How many languages … by the age of 30?

will you study

will you be studying

will you have studied

have you been studied

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our children (to be) … the future of this country”

What … tomorrow at that time?

will you doing

you will do

you are going to do

will you be doing

I … these tests by 3 o’clock

will have finished

will be finishing

am going to finish


Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 How long have you been working at school?

2 For about 3 months, then I became a millionaire

3 And what are you planning to do next?

4 I think I’ll come back to teaching as a hobby. We’ll see!

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. By this time tomorrow

B. I think my daughter

C. She will be studying math

D. I will make sandwiches

E. she will have finished her course

F. will become a great artist

G. at this time on Tuesday

H. if you buy some bread

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you had kept working with us, you would (to accomplish) … much more”

Sir, … I offer you some tea?


have to



1) John was so happy he was on … nine. 2) Lucy looks a bit under the … these days. 3) What’s wrong with her? Mary is saving money for a rainy …. 4) It’s just a small problem – only a … in a teacup. Complete the sentences with the words: day, cloud, storm, weather.

1) day; 2) storm; 3) cloud; 4) weather.

1) cloud; 2) weather; 3) storm; 4) day.

1) cloud; 2) weather; 3) day; 4) storm.

Last night I ran … my older sister. I haven’t seen her for ages!






Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: Cant you (to cry) … when everyone is watching?

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My student might (to complete) … the tasks already”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I believe you should (to clean) … the house before the guests come”

He … with us last night


had stayed

could had been

could have stayed

must be

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: James could (to do) … the tasks by 12 tomorrow

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “May I (to offer) … some tea?”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. My sister could

B. I would never

C. Quoting my teacher might

D. You must follow the rules, otherwise

E. sing when she was young

F. lie to you! G. have been the best thing in that situation

H. you will be punished

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The prices (to increase) … severely after the inflation had occurred”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “At this time yesterday we (to play) … games”

I was cooking the dinner when the doorbell …

was ringing


had rang

were ringing

1) I want a bottle of … (fizzy/still) water, not sparkling. 2) She loves … (bitter/oily) chocolate. 3) Cinnamon and ginger are … (additives/spices). Choose the correct word.

1) fizzy; 2) bitter; 3) spices.

1) still; 2) bitter; 3) spices.

1) still; 2) oily; 3) additives.

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I were you, I (to trust) … her, she deserves that”

If she waters the plants on time, they … fade

not will



will not

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If only you (to consider) … everyone else’s opinion, people would have treated you better”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to learn) … Italian, It will be easier to live in Italy”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Nick (to learn) … Italian. He wants to work in Rome next year”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The girl (to swing) … since two o’clock”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The water (to freeze) … at 0°C”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to repeat) … the same sentence 20 times, I will not understand it any better”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 How do you feel when you visit the doctor?

2 Awful, really. It’s so scary and uncomfortable! And you?

3 I don’t experience any negative feelings. In fact, I’d love to become a dentist one day

4 Oh, really? That sounds awesome. I heard they have great calaries!

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. Jakob was born

B. I was informed that

C. The cat was fed about an hour ago,

D. They say that history

E. on the 21st of September

F. our meeting was rescheduled, is that correct?

G. yet it still seems like it’s hungry

H. was rewritten many times

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 What are your plans for tonight?

2 I’m so tired of work, so I really want to have some fun. I think I’ll go out somewhere

3 Do you mind if I join you?

4 Sure! I do need some company, so that would be great

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Usually the food that my mother cooks (to prepare)… very fast”.

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The tradition (to start) … 5 years ago by my father”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. The concert was

B. Our cake was baked

C. I have never been under

D. Whatever you are dealing with,

E. delayed due to the weather

F. by the best chef in the whole country

G. so much pressure.

H. never let your hope get lost

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. She said she

B. He screamed he needed

C. I have always said

D. Our teacher told us he had

E. wants to be famous

F. some fresh air

G. that I need to stop working

H. finished checking our tests

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The river (to lie) … 30 km to the south”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. The plane

B. My neighbors

C. The flowers

D. I have never

E. takes off at eight

F. have just moved in

G. are in blossom

H. been abroad

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to become) … rich when I was 19”

Last night the police … my apartment

breaked into

broke up

broke into

broke in

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “About a year ago my dad said he (to repair) … computers”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He wanted to know if I (to know) … the route to his house”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 I have never been able to understand how to take a screenshot on my phone. Can you help me?

2 Sure! Do you know what model you have?

3 Yeah, it’s series 5, I guess

4 In this case, try pressing the lock and home buttons at the same time!

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He said he could not (to imagine) … how difficult my job is”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When I called they said they (to watch) … a movie”

Is October the month … the leaves are starting to fall?





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You said you wished you (to be) … a surgeon”

Jim failed his test. I think he … study harder

is going to

will be



Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Great news! I’m happy (to hear) … it!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “They (to read) … 23 books by the end of the year”

I took … my dad’s business after he retired Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов





Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog: Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 What seems to be the problem?

2 There’s something wrong with my computer. It just won’t turn on

3 Have you tried charging it?

4 Oh god, I totally forgot about that! Thanks!

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. If i were you

B. If my mother knew English better

C. If the temperature gets down to 0 degrees

D. If the weather had been better

E. I would not behave like that

F. she would have a better job

G. the water freezes

H. I would not have stayed in

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Stop (to make) … that noise!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “May I (to offer) … some tea?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to buy) … lots of cheese before it was banned from being sold in our country”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My group mate (to graduate) … by the end of the year”

She … it clear she didn’t want to go

is making



had made

The train … at seven in the evening



will leave

is leaving

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Rachel (to make) … a dress for the meeting by this evening”

If I hadn’t told Mary the truth, everything … different then

would be

will be

would have been


Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 Hey there. Kate is still absent, is she?

2 I guess so. When was the last time you contacted her?

3 About a week ago. Can you find out where she is?

4 Okay then. I’ll call her!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 What are you doing next Saturday?

2 I’m staying home, I guess. Why? 

3 What about going to the theatre with me? I have two tickets 

4 I don’t think I can. I need to study. But thanks, anyway!

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Lisa (to believe) … in aliens since she was 12”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Nowadays people (to construct) … higher buildings”

Remember … your boss as soon as you finish

to calling

to call

to have called


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My mother (not, to prepare) … breakfast by the time we wake up tomorrow”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. The biggest problem was that

B. My family is much bigger

C. This explanation is the

D. My elder

E. we couldn’t see clearly

F. than Kate’s

G. simplest one

H. brother and I have never argued

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He (to stay) … home this Friday, that’s for sure”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 I totally hate Math, I’m terrible at it. What can I do?

2 You should probably start small. Do your homework, at least

3 But I rarely have time. Fine, I’ll see to it

4 I will help you keep up with the class, then!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 Do you know what will the weather be like tomorrow?

2 I believe it will be snowy, but I’m not sure

3 In this case, what about staying in?

4 That would be awesome

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “While my friend was working out, I was (to swim) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to fix) … the TV before she bought a new one”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog: 

1 So, when are you going on holidays?

2 Never, I guess. I have so much work to complete!

3 Oh, that’s such a pity. I wanted to invite you to the countryside for a couple of days

4 I would love to, but some other time. Sorry!

Match the parts to make the sentences: 

A. I didn’t have enough time to complete it,

B. She had to cancel our plans

C. Did the accident occur

D. I had been playing tennis for 10 years

E. so I cancelled my work to free up some

F. because she suddenly felt sick

G. when you were at home?

H. by the time I turned 23

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Unless you learn the dance better, our coach (to remove) … you from the group”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. Whatever happens to you,

B. Unless you stop misbehaving,

C. If you start preparing now,

D. If we had gone there together,

E. never give up!

F. your teacher will punish you

G. you will be able to get ready on time.

H. nothing bad would have happened

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “This project is very well financially (to support) …”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 How do you feel about going out to the cinema with me?

2 I’d love to go somewhere with you, but I hate cinemas. What about going to a theatre?

3 That’s even better. I’ll buy the tickets in the stalls, then

4 Those must be so expensive… But okay, at least, we’ll have a great view

If only there was a machine that automatically turns … the pages





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Last week my phone (to steal) … by a man”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The article (to publish) … tomorrow”

The clock … a long time ago

was invented

did invent


were invented

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog: 

1 What seems to be the problem?

2 There’s something wrong with my computer. It just won’t turn on

3 Have you tried charging it?

4 Oh god, I totally forgot about that! Thanks!

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She said she (to lose) … her phone!”

James is working to bring … changes in science





I took … my dad’s business after he retired





Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog: 

1 Can I ask you to lend me some money? 

2 Well, it depends on the amount. What do you need it for?

3 I’m planning on attending singing courses, yet they're not that expensive 

4 It’s fine if you’ll be able to return it in a month or so. Deal!

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Great news! I’m happy (to hear) … it!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Tomorrow at that time I (to be) … in Switzerland”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You need (to be) … aware of the fact that I’m leaving”

I ... abroad

never have been

has been never

have never been

never were

I usually … to the cinema twice a month





The match … because of the weather


did cancel

were cancelled

was cancelled

My windows in the house … yet

weren’t cleaned

have not been cleaned

did not clean

has been cleaned

The ambulance … before the building was destroyed

had been called

was called

were called

did call

You don’t … come to work tomorrow



have to


She … in a hospital for 10 years before she quit

has been working


was working

had been working

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We cleaned up in the house, bought some flowers and (to invite) … our friends over”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. Sir, may I

B. What would you do if you could

C. I can’t see it anywhere, I might

D. If you want to get rid of your headaches, you should

E. offer you some tea?

F. read minds?

G. have lost it

H. sleep more often

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 Have you ever donated money to charity?

2 Well, I haven’t, but I’m certainly planning on it. Why?

3 There’s a charity event next Saturday, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me

4 Sure, why not. Already looking forward to it!

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Where is Kate? – She might (to stay) … in the bar last night”

Match the verbs with suffixes used to form their noun forms:

A. Enjoy

B. Create

C. Imagine

D. Discover

E. -ment

F. -ion

G. -tion

H. –y

Match the verbs with suffixes used to form their noun forms:

A. Donate

B. Treat

C. Inform

D. Correspond

E. -ion

F. -ment

G. -tion

H. –ence

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 I’m sorry, Daniel, but your card was declined by the bank

2 That is impossible! Why?

3 It seems that you don’t have enough money on it

4 That does sound like me. I guess I forgot to transfer enough!

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. My cat had been shouting for an hour

B. I really wanted to invite you,

C. I hate to ask you, but

D. I didn’t work there

E. before I fed it

F. but my boyfriend was against that idea

G. where were you yesterday?

H. as I didn’t have anough experience

I … a car when the accident occurred


had driven


was driving

I … a trip to London last year

had been



had have


Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 What seems to be the problem?

2 There’s something wrong with my computer. It just won’t turn on

3 Have you tried charging it?

4 Oh god, I totally forgot about that! Thanks!

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. If i were you

B. If my mother knew English better

C. If the temperature gets down to 0 degrees

D. If the weather had been better

E. I would not behave like that

F. she would have a better job

G. the water freezes

H. I would not have stayed in

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The books (to keep) … by my grandmother for 50 years now”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1 There you are, finally back home! Have you enjoyed your trip?

2 Absolutely! It was the best one in my entire life!

3 Did something extraordinary happen to you?

4 Not really, but I finally had a proper rest. That definitely was the best thing

While the teacher … instructions, I was sleeping


had been


was giving


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to close) … the book on time, the teacher would not have noticed your cheating”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. We need to go to the shop as we ran

B. If to compare myself with a machine, I run

C. Last week I ran

D. We are doing everything in our powers to run

E. out of milk

F. on positive emotions and coffee, otherwise I hardly function

G. into our furious headmaster

H. away from negative feelings

Can I ask you to lend me some money? I’ve run …





Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When I was a child, I used (to swim) … more often”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

A. My sister told me she had

B. They said they

C. My father told me that

D. My classmates said they

E. never been to England before

F. ran every week

G. the rainbow is not a frequent event

H. had the markers with them

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Be careful (not, to break) … the phone, it’s very expensive!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I were you, I (to trust) … her, she deserves that”

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