Тесты4-6_Иностранный язык_Витте

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2 Янв в 10:44
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Тест4-6_Иностранный язык_Английский_Витте
46.1 Кбайт 290 ₽

11 страниц вопросов с ответами

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Укажите правильное написание даты 11 июля

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – Were you in New York in … ?

Как можно перевести выражение half past eight?

Укажите правильное написание номера телефона - 361-87-56

Как можно перевести выражение quarter to nine?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – …. of people attend this festival every year.

Укажите правильное время quarter past eight?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – I usually wake up at half … eight.

Какие числительные образуются путём добавления –teen?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – Twenty-… cents a kilo is now the market rate for unroasted coffee beans.

This period, from about 800-1100 ___.D, is referred to as classical Sufism or classical mysticism

World War __ was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945

Установите соответствие слов и цифр

In 2300 B._ __, an Egyptian pharaoh found a place that he named the Cradle of Life, where we, life, began

Charles ___ is King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms

At ___, objects cast their shortest shadows

We agreed to meet at 10 o clock ___ (ровно)

New Year s Eve is celebrated exactly at ___ with the family

In the 15th and 16th centuries, Europeans made important discoveries in their exploration of the oceans, including the start of transatlantic travel to the New World of the Americas. Global movement of people, goods, and ideas expanded significantly in the following centuries. Early in the 19th century, the development of new forms of transportation (such as the steamship and railroads) and telecommunications that compressed time and space allowed for increasingly rapid rates of global interchange. In the 20th century, road vehicles and airlines made transportation even faster, and the advent of electronic communications, most notably mobile phones and the Internet, connected billions of people in new ways leading into the 21st century. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people and the dissemination of knowledge. Further, environmental challenges such as climate change, cross-boundary water and air pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization. Globalizing processes affect and are affected by business and work organization, economics, socio-cultural resources, and the natural environment

Seven per cent of British schoolchildren go to private schools. There are 3 levels of private schools: primary schools (age four to eight), preparatory schools (age eight to thirteen). At the age of 13 children take an examination. If they pass it, they go to public school, where they usually remain until they are 18.

Укажите правильную последовательность прилагательных - А … table

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «как часто»?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – Have you read … book by this writer?

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «каким образом»?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении –. Listening to music is ….. as reading for me.

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - He is … than his brother.

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «сколько», «как много», «в каком количестве»?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – I work … .

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «когда»?

Укажите в каких случаях используются только превосходная степень прилагательных?

Come ___ in order I could see you better

Установите соответствие между английским и русским переводом

The entrance is ___ - you don t have to pay anything

Slowly, but ___, your efforts will pay off

Установите соответствие между английским и русским переводом

English is now the ___ widespread of the world s languages

Tom knows that I ___ ever win

____________ 10 million people are engaged in agriculture and they produce half of the region s grain, meat, milk and other dairy products. The largest granaries are located in the North Caucasus and the Volga and the Amur regions. Guess which word is missing

In Madame Tussauds Museum visitors will meet face to face with hundreds of ___________: from Shakespeare to Lady Gaga because it s an amazing collection of wax figures

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Continuous

By the 10th Century, the West Saxon dialect became the official language of Britain. Written Old English is mainly known from this period. It was written in an alphabet called Runic. It was borrowed from the Scandinavian languages. The Latin Alphabet was brought over from Ireland by Christian missionaries later. At this time, the vocabulary of Old English consisted of an Anglo-Saxon base with borrowed words from the Scandinavian languages (Danish and Norse) and Latin. Latin gave English words like street, kitchen, kettle, cup, cheese, wine, angel, bishop, candle. The Vikings added many Norse words: sky, egg, cake, skin, leg, window, husband, fellow, skill, anger, flat, ugly, get, give, take, raise, call, they, their, them. Celtic words survived in place and river names (Devon, Dover, Kent, Severn, Thames). Old English did not sound or look like English today. Native English speakers now would have great difficulty understanding Old English. Nevertheless, about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots. Укажите правильное грамматическое время предложения: By the 10th Century, the West Saxon dialect became the official language of Britain:

Present Continuous употребляют…

The Senate House was built in 1937. It has 19 floors and is 64 m high. When it was completed it was the second tallest building in London after St. Paul s Cathedral. During the Second World War the building was used by the Ministry of Information. It inspired George Orwell s description of the Ministry of Truth. Orwell s wife worked in the building for the censorship department of the ministry. They checked correspondence, letters and papers looking for military secrets. During the late 1960s and early 1970s some 20 new universities were set up. Sometimes they are called concrete and glass universities. About 30 Polytechnics have been working in Britain since 1970s. The Polytechnics, like the universities, offer first and higher degrees. Some of them offer full-time and sandwich courses for working students. Colleges of Education provide two-year courses in teacher education or sometimes three years if the graduate specializes in some particular subjects

The largest university is the Lomonosov Moscow State University, which was founded in 1755. January 25 is still celebrated as Students Day in Russia. The main university building is located in Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills). It is 240 metres tall. It was completed in 1953. At that time it was the tallest building on the continent. The university has over 30,000 undergraduate and 7 000 postgraduate students. They have a choice of twenty-nine faculties and 450 departments for study. Additionally, approximately 10,000 high school students take courses at the university. Over two thousand researchers work there. The Moscow State University library contains over nine million books. It is one of the largest libraries in the Russian Federation. Over 11,000 international students have graduated from the university. Many new students from other countries come to Moscow to study at the University. The university has contacts with many universities in the world. Since 1755 Moscow University has been playing an important role in popularizing science and learning in Russia. The lectures of its professors were often open to the public.

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Continuous

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Сontinuous

Big Ben is the most famous iconic clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. Behind this long and beautiful building stands medieval Westminster ________ where many historic weddings, coronations and burials took place

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Simple

Установите соответствие между формами глаголов и названиями времен

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Simple

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Simple

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Сontinuous

Установите правильную последовательность между первой и второй формой неправильных глаголов

Установите соответствие между формами глаголов и названиями времен

Установите правильную последовательность между второй и третьей формой неправильных глаголов

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Future Continuous

The climate of the British Isles is mild the whole year round. The winters are not severely cold, while summers are rarely hot. The British Isles are well-watered throughout the year. The cloudiness is rather dense. The __________ of London with city smoke have a worldwide reputation

The city is a center for road, rail, and air (its airports include Heathrow and Gatwick), and it is now linked to the Continent by a high-speed rail line under the English __________. Guess which word is missing

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