Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации для службы обслуживания и эксплуатации номерного фонда (ответы на тест Синергия / МТИ / МОИ / МосАП)

Иностранные языки
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20 Сен 2024 в 08:45
Синергия / МТИ / МОИ / МосАП
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250 ₽
Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации для службы обслуживания и эксплуатации номерного фонда (оценка, 90) Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации для службы обслуживания и эксплуатации номерного фонда (оценка, 90)
119.9 Кбайт 119.9 Кбайт
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Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации для службы обслуживания и эксплуатаци
16.7 Кбайт 250 ₽
  • 30 вопросов с ответами
  • Результат: 90 баллов из 100

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  1.  Choose the correct answer to the question - who was the founder of the first travel agency?
  2.   Choose the correct date which is considered the birthday of tourism
  3.   Choose the correct definition of the word collocation «inbound tourists»
  4.   Choose the correct definition of «ecotourism» type of tourism
  5.   Choose the correct type of tourism which determine this definition - «type of tourism when you look after your body and mind by visiting places like spa resorts»
  6.   Match the educational type of tourism with one of its example
  7.   Match the definition with the sector of tourism - «people or companies that sell the holiday or tour to the customer»
  8.   Match the definition with the sector of tourism - « places to stay, the food and the services that are provided there»
  9.   Choose the correct definition of the word «hospitality»
  10.   Choose the main goal of the hospitality industry
  11.   Choose one sphere that doesn't include into the hospitality industry
  12.   Answer the question - what word appeared in the 14th century?
  13.   Answer the question - who firstly used the word «hotel»?
  14.   Answer the question - who made a sinificant contribution to the development of the hotel business in Europe?
  15.   Answer the question - what was the job/ position that Caesar Ritz had in the hotel?
  16.   Answer the question - what was the first modern model hotel which was opened in New York?
  17.   Answer the question - what year was the first model hotel opened and got start to the hotel industry in the USA?
  18.   Choose the one service that hotel does not provide to the guests
  19.   Choose the type of classification on the criteria of offering different range of service
  20.   Answer the question - how many are the main categories of hotels' classification?
  21.   Choose the category of classification that does not exist
  22.   Choose the type of the hotel (on the basis of hotel size) that suits this definition - "this type of hotel for travellers who were travelling in their own vehicles needed neat and clean accommodation for the night. They also required garages, along with refueling facilities for their vehicles."
  23.   Choose the correct definition of the residential hotel
  24.   Choose the type of the hotel (on the basis of clientele) that suit this definition - «has round a clock operational room service and coffee shop and offer all the facilities of a commercial hotel. The occupancy rate is usually very high, something more than 100 percent, as rooms can be sold more than once on a given day.»
  25.   Choose the type of the hotel (on the basis of clientele) that suit this definition - «is defined as a formal assembly or meeting of members, representatives, or delegates of a group for general agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes. A hotel has a greater number of rooms to host a large number of attendees as compared to conference centres.»
  26.   Choose the type of the hotel (on the basis of stay duration) that suits this definition - «hotels provide accommodation for a long duration and are patronized by people who stay for a long time. The duration of stay may range from months to a few years.»
  27.   Choose what type of the hotel on the basis of level of service that suits this definition «The design and interior decoration of the hotels provide upscale restaurants and lounges, exquisite decor, concierge service, opulent rooms, and abundant amenities. These hotels also offer the facility of health clubs with trainers and dieticians.»
  28.   Choose the correct definition of the commercial hotel
  29.   Choose the type of room that suits this definition - «are mainly focused on meeting the most basic needs of guests by providing them inexpensive rooms. These hotels have clean and comfortable guest rooms, a coffee shop, a multi-cuisine restaurant, an in-room telephone, and channeled music and movies. They may also have a swimming pool, a shopping arcade, and a beauty parlor»
  30.   Choose the service that does not include into main services of a standard room
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