Росдистант // Иностранный язык 4 // Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 1, 2, 3 // 375 вопросов

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Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 1
285.7 Кбайт 50 ₽
Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 2
854.7 Кбайт 50 ₽
Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 3
852.2 Кбайт 50 ₽
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375 вопросов (5 попыток в каждом тесте). Все вопросы с правильным вариантом ответа, который выделен зеленым цветом.

Здесь Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 1, 2 и 3, которые идут после следующих модулей:

Module 1. Generation Gap

Module 2. Innovation for our life

Module 3. Living in Digital Age and Society

Если есть вопросы, пишите в сообщения.


Вопросы, которые здесь встречаются:

Module 1. Generation Gap

Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 1

1 попытка

Вопрос 1. The flight ... because of fog.

Вопрос 2. What is the synonym for the verb to refuse?

Вопрос 3. The ... age of getting married in European countries today is about 30 years.

Вопрос 4. In her chidhood Mary was ... spiders.

Вопрос 5.He never saw his father while he was ....

Вопрос 6. We did everything we could to ... this fight.

Вопрос 7. What is the synonym for the verb to determine?

Вопрос 8. I dont want to ... too much ... my parents.

Вопрос 9. Children often feel ... when a new baby comes along.

Вопрос 10. What is the synonym for the word commitment?

Вопрос 11. What is the synonym for the word contest?

Вопрос 12. When are you going to get married and ...? - my father asked.

Вопрос 13. The younger children were badly treated by older ....

Вопрос 14. This virus …. Immune system of many people all around the world several years ago.

Вопрос 15. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ... to hospital.

Вопрос 16. You cant see the house from the road. Its surrounded ... trees.

Вопрос 17. All taxes ... in the price for this new product.

Вопрос 18 ... those documents ... by email or by post?

Вопрос 19. Dutch ... at the conference. The working language ... English.

Вопрос 20. I never received the letter. It ... to the wrong address.

Вопрос 21. At this moment films ... only on Wednesday evenings.

Вопрос 22. Two hundred people ... by the company.

Вопрос 23. A. Is the house at the end of the street still for sale?

B. No, it ... two weeks ago.

Вопрос 24. The magazine Cool ... mostly by teenagers.

Вопрос 25. How much money ... in the robbery?

Вторая попытка

Вопрос 1. ... those toys ... by hand?

Вопрос 2. Anyway I dont want to ... your decision.

Вопрос 3. My parents always ... charities. They liked helping people in need.

Вопрос 4. She desperately wanted to win her fathers ....

Вопрос 5. Why is he ... others for his problems?

Вопрос 6. He was behaving like a ... child. He was the most selfish in the group.

Вопрос 7. She still remembers a story that she heard in her ... .

Вопрос 8. Helen is rebellious. Thats why her three ... ended in divorce.

Вопрос 9. She was ... upsetting her parents.

Вопрос 10. After graduating the university they decided to get married and ....

Вопрос 11. As they both were unemployed, they couldnt ... to have kids.

Вопрос 12. At the beginning he had no idea how to ....

Вопрос 13. Children and teenagers shouldnt ... a lack of attention from their parents.

Вопрос 14. We did everything we could to ... this fight.

Вопрос 15. I think, Bill ... from his job. He isnt very good at it.

Вопрос 16. Credit cards ... here.

Вопрос 17. Its noisy living here, but I ... by it.

Вопрос 18. I made a mistake because I ... what to do.

Вопрос 19. Owners of the cars that are parked illegally ... 50$.

Вопрос 20. Dont worry! The order ... in time.

Вопрос 21. The best chocolate ... by Swiss companies.

Вопрос 22. Only vegan food ... in this restaurant.

Вопрос 23. Mercedes cars ... in Germany and they ... all over the world.

Вопрос 24. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Many rooms ....

Вопрос 25. Candidates ... to speak fluent English.

Третья попытка

Вопрос 1. He ... for shoplifting yesterday.

Вопрос 2. Helen is rebellious. Thats why her three ... ended in divorce.

Вопрос 3. What is the synonym for the verb to determine?

Вопрос 4. What is the synonym for the verb to refuse?

Вопрос 5. This virus …. Immune system of many people all around the world several years ago.

Вопрос 6. He never saw his father while he was ....

Вопрос 7. He was behaving like a ... child. He was the most selfish in the group.

Вопрос 8. As they both were unemployed, they couldnt ... to have kids.

Вопрос 9. I dont want to ... too much ... my parents.

Вопрос 10. Why is he ... others for his problems?

Вопрос 11. She still remembers a story that she heard in her ...

Вопрос 12. What is the synonym for the word commitment?

Вопрос 13. What is the synonym for the word contest?

Вопрос 14. In her chidhood Mary was ... spiders.

Вопрос 15. ... those documents ... by email or by post?

Вопрос 16. Mercedes cars ... in Germany and they ... all over the world.

Вопрос 17. The flight ... because of fog.

Вопрос 18. Credit cards ... here.

Вопрос 19. A. Is the house at the end of the street still for sale?

B. No, it ... two weeks ago.

Вопрос 20. The best chocolate ... by Swiss companies.

Вопрос 21. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Many rooms ....

Вопрос 22. I never received the letter. It ... to the wrong address.

Вопрос 23. Dutch ... at the conference. The working language ... English.

Вопрос 24. Owners of the cars that are parked illegally ... 50$.

Вопрос 25. The magazine Cool ... mostly by teenagers.

Четвертая попытка

Вопрос 1. ... those toys ... by hand?

Вопрос 2. After graduating the university they decided to get married and ....

Вопрос 3. At the beginning he had no idea how to ....

Вопрос 4. The younger children were badly treated by older ....

Вопрос 5. My parents always ... charities. They liked helping people in need.

Вопрос 6. Children and teenagers shouldnt ... a lack of attention from their parents.

Вопрос 7. Anyway I dont want to ... your decision.

Вопрос 8. The ... age of getting married in European countries today is about 30 years.

Вопрос 9. Children often feel ... when a new baby comes along.

Вопрос 10. She was ... upsetting her parents.

Вопрос 11. When are you going to get married and ...? - my father asked.

Вопрос 12. She desperately wanted to win her fathers ....

Вопрос 13. She still remembers a story that she heard in her ... .

Вопрос 14. Helen is rebellious. Thats why her three ... ended in divorce.

Вопрос 15. How much money ... in the robbery?

Вопрос 16. At this moment films ... only on Wednesday evenings.

Вопрос 17. Dont worry! The order ... in time.

Вопрос 18. You cant see the house from the road. Its surrounded ... trees.

Вопрос 19. Its noisy living here, but I ... by it.

Вопрос 20. I think, Bill ... from his job. He isnt very good at it.

Вопрос 21. Candidates ... to speak fluent English.

Вопрос 22. He ... for shoplifting yesterday.

Вопрос 23. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ... to hospital.

Вопрос 24. All taxes ... in the price for this new product.

Вопрос 25. Only vegan food ... in this restaurant.

Пятая попытка

Вопрос 1. Two hundred people ... by the company.

Вопрос 2. He never saw his father while he was ....

Вопрос 3. Children often feel ... when a new baby comes along.

Вопрос 4. What is the synonym for the word contest?

Вопрос 5. She was ... upsetting her parents.

Вопрос 6. He was behaving like a ... child. He was the most selfish in the group.

Вопрос 7. Children and teenagers shouldn t ... a lack of attention from their parents.

Вопрос 8. This virus …. Immune system of many people all around the world several years ago.

Вопрос 9. My parents always ... charities. They liked helping people in need.

Вопрос 10. When are you going to get married and ...? - my father asked.

Вопрос 11. We did everything we could to ... this fight.

Вопрос 12. In her chidhood Mary was ... spiders.

Вопрос 13. What is the synonym for the word commitment?

Вопрос 14. What is the synonym for the verb to refuse?

Вопрос 15. I made a mistake because I ... what to do.

Вопрос 16. The flight ... because of fog.

Вопрос 17. Don t worry! The order ... in time.

Вопрос 18. Credit cards ... here.

Вопрос 19. The best chocolate ... by Swiss companies.

Вопрос 20. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ... to hospital.

Вопрос 21. Only vegan food ... in this restaurant.

Вопрос 22. ... those toys ... by hand?

Вопрос 23. Owners of the cars that are parked illegally ... 50$.

Вопрос 24. How much money ... in the robbery?

Вопрос 25. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Many rooms ....

Module 2. Innovation for our life

Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 2

Первая попытка

Вопрос 1. There is somebody behind us. We ....

Вопрос 2. Some ..., such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), can be ... by blood.

Вопрос 3. They expect that there will be a ... in the medicine and food supply.

Вопрос 4. Kevin set up his company ....

Вопрос 5. The ... samples were analyzed in the lab and the specialists found them to be cancerous.

Вопрос 6. Footballers must ... by the referees decision.

Вопрос 7. We have to ... these shelves to the wall.

Вопрос 8. Caroline forgot to plug the microwave oven into the ....

Вопрос 9. This kind of ... is hard to ... in its early stages.

Вопрос 10. We ... the Spanish football team and reached the final.

Вопрос 11. I promise to ... the glass that I have dropped.

Вопрос 12. Martin had four ... filled at the dentist s.

Вопрос 13. Due to ... interactive technology visitors can experience gallery exhibits more realistically.

Вопрос 14. Simon ... his personal life to move ahead in his career.

Вопрос 15. Nicholas and Amanda need our support because their house ... in the earthquake recently.

Вопрос 16. The road was damaged last month. It ... now.

Вопрос 17. The floor was dirty. It ... for ages.

Вопрос 18. The room in the hotel was cozy because it ….

Вопрос 19. The electrician was sent for because the electricity in the flat ....

Вопрос 20. ... your project ... yet?

Вопрос 21. ... there anything ... about the issue at the moment?

Вопрос 22. Angelina ... the job, but I dont think she will accept it.

Вопрос 23. The sofas and armchairs ... when we came into the room.

Вопрос 24. I didnt know that our dialogue ....

Вопрос 25. These devices ... yet.

Вторая попытка

Вопрос 1. When I last arrived in Moscow, some new road links ....

Вопрос 2. We have a wide range of ..., including washing machines, steam irons, fridges, vacuum cleaners, juice squeezer and microwave ovens.

Вопрос 3. Google is researching virtual reality and ... glasses.

Вопрос 4. The architecture has fallen into .... It has to be repaired and restored.

Вопрос 5. Despite her ... to mass media, Irma was persuaded to talk to the journalists.

Вопрос 6. It was hard to ... patients because of a ... of medicine.

Вопрос 7. I ... a copy of the financial report which included rates and figures for the last six months.

Вопрос 8. Experts predicted the rise of biotechnology, chemistry, space science and ....

Вопрос 9. Some steps are being taken to ... bribery in the police force.

Вопрос 10. All inhabitants ... their city with a beautiful embankment and modern infrastructure.

Вопрос 11. This yacht does not need to be ... because it ... a powerful huge battery.

Вопрос 12. The rate of economic growth has continued to ....

Вопрос 13. The ... of the ... is to try to discover more information about the causes of the disease.

Вопрос 14. I promise to ... the glass that I have dropped.

Вопрос 15. My car has disappeared. It ... by someone.

Вопрос 16. The exhibition is now on 1 June. The date of the exhibition ....

Вопрос 17. These spare parts ... yet.

Вопрос 18. While our dinner ..., the doorbell rang.

Вопрос 19. We were told to wait because the witness ... in the room.

Вопрос 20. I was told that five new houses ... by the sea.

Вопрос 21. A hotel ... near the airport recently.

Вопрос 22. I didn t know who I ... to.

Вопрос 23. Our project ... still ....

Вопрос 24. Why ... the work ... yet?

Вопрос 25. When we arrived in Saint Petersburg, that building ....

Третья попытка

Вопрос 1. You can t go in. He ... for the magazine.

Вопрос 2. This kind of ... is hard to ... in its early stages.

Вопрос 3. The rate of economic growth has continued to ....

Вопрос 4. This yacht does not need to be ... because it ... a powerful huge battery.

Вопрос 5. We have to ... these shelves to the wall.

Вопрос 6. Experts predicted the rise of biotechnology, chemistry, space science and ....

Вопрос 7. The ... of the ... is to try to discover more information about the causes of the disease.

Вопрос 8. Due to ... interactive technology visitors can experience gallery exhibits more realistically.

Вопрос 9. They expect that there will be a ... in the medicine and food supply.

Вопрос 10. We have a wide range of ..., including washing machines, steam irons, fridges, vacuum cleaners, juice squeezer and microwave ovens.

Вопрос 11. All inhabitants ... their city with a beautiful embankment and modern infrastructure.

Вопрос 12. It was hard to ... patients because of a ... of medicine.

Вопрос 13. I ... a copy of the financial report which included rates and figures for the last six months.

Вопрос 14. Footballers must ... by the referees decision.

Вопрос 15. These spare parts ... yet.

Вопрос 16. While our dinner ..., the doorbell rang.

Вопрос 17. We were told to wait because the witness ... in the room.

Вопрос 18. ... your project ... yet?

Вопрос 19. My car has disappeared. It ... by someone.

Вопрос 20. ... there anything ... about the issue at the moment?

Вопрос 21. The floor was dirty. It ... for ages.

Вопрос 22. I didnt know that our dialogue ....

Вопрос 23. When I last arrived in Moscow, some new road links ....

Вопрос 24. Our project ... still ....

Вопрос 25. The room in the hotel was cozy because it ….

Четвертая попытка

Вопрос 1. Why ... the work ... yet?

Вопрос 2. Kevin set up his company ....

Вопрос 3. Caroline forgot to plug the microwave oven into the ....

Вопрос 4. The architecture has fallen into .... It has to be repaired and restored.

Вопрос 5. Google is researching virtual reality and ... glasses.

Вопрос 6. Martin had four ... filled at the dentist s.

Вопрос 7. Despite her ... to mass media, Irma was persuaded to talk to the journalists.

Вопрос 8. Some steps are being taken to ... bribery in the police force.

Вопрос 9. The ... samples were analyzed in the lab and the specialists found them to be cancerous.

Вопрос 10. Some ..., such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), can be ... by blood.

Вопрос 11. Simon ... his personal life to move ahead in his career.

Вопрос 12. We ... the Spanish football team and reached the final.

Вопрос 13. We have a wide range of ..., including washing machines, steam irons, fridges, vacuum cleaners, juice squeezer and microwave ovens.

Вопрос 14. This yacht does not need to be ... because it ... a powerful huge battery.

Вопрос 15. When we arrived in Saint Petersburg, that building ....

Вопрос 16. Angelina ... the job, but I dont think she will accept it.

Вопрос 17. The electrician was sent for because the electricity in the flat ....

Вопрос 18. You can t go in. He ... for the magazine.

Вопрос 19. The road was damaged last month. It ... now.

Вопрос 20. These devices ... yet.

Вопрос 21. The sofas and armchairs ... when we came into the room.

Вопрос 22. There is somebody behind us. We ....

Вопрос 23. I didn t know who I ... to.

Вопрос 24. I was told that five new houses ... by the sea.

Вопрос 25. Nicholas and Amanda need our support because their house ... in the earthquake recently.

Пятая попытка

Вопрос 1. The exhibition is now on 1 June. The date of the exhibition ....

Вопрос 2. We ... the Spanish football team and reached the final.

Вопрос 3. Simon ... his personal life to move ahead in his career.

Вопрос 4. Some steps are being taken to ... bribery in the police force.

Вопрос 5. Experts predicted the rise of biotechnology, chemistry, space science and ....

Вопрос 6. Footballers must ... by the referees decision.

Вопрос 7. I promise to ... the glass that I have dropped.

Вопрос 8. Despite her ... to mass media, Irma was persuaded to talk to the journalists.

Вопрос 9. All inhabitants ... their city with a beautiful embankment and modern infrastructure.

Вопрос 10. The architecture has fallen into .... It has to be repaired and restored.

Вопрос 11. Martin had four ... filled at the dentist s.

Вопрос 12. The ... samples were analyzed in the lab and the specialists found them to be cancerous.

Вопрос 13. Kevin set up his company ....

Вопрос 14. We have to ... these shelves to the wall.

Вопрос 15. A hotel ... near the airport recently.

Вопрос 16. Our project ... still ....

Вопрос 17. I was told that five new houses ... by the sea.

Вопрос 18. The electrician was sent for because the electricity in the flat ....

Вопрос 19. Why ... the work ... yet?

Вопрос 20. Nicholas and Amanda need our support because their house ... in the earthquake recently.

Вопрос 21. There is somebody behind us. We ....

Вопрос 22. While our dinner ..., the doorbell rang.

Вопрос 23. ... there anything ... about the issue at the moment?

Вопрос 24. The room in the hotel was cozy because it ….

Вопрос 25. You can t go in. He ... for the magazine.

Module 3. Living in Digital Age and Society

Vocabulary and Grammar. Test 3

Первая попытка

Вопрос 1. I ... a baby-sitter for my son now, if I ... it.

Вопрос 2. Unfortunately, there are some ... on the road to mutual understanding and cooperation.

Вопрос 3. The ... caused serious damage to crops and starvation.

Вопрос 4. This company …. on software trade.

Вопрос 5. The volunteers were ... the task of rebuilding the school and the hospital.

Вопрос 6. Hackers gained complete ... to the company confidential information.

Вопрос 7. I have already ordered a ... mouse and keyboard for more ... work.

Вопрос 8. Scientists hope that this discovery will ... for the invention of cure for cancer.

Вопрос 9. An ... device was found at one of the shopping malls this evening.

Вопрос 10. We are searching for ways to ... the production of our cars.

Вопрос 11. This house has a lot of cracks so it is ....

Вопрос 12. This celebrity created such a ... that all the journalists came round.

Вопрос 13. These leaders are trying to get as much political ... on the situation as they can.

Вопрос 14. The money must be ... into our company s bank account within 5 working days.

Вопрос 15. If I ... you, I ... for another job.

Вопрос 16. If Ashley ... at home that day, he ... his wife at his friends wedding.

Вопрос 17. Michael, you should take into account that it is better to call a taxi in advance. If you ... a taxi earlier, we ... in a traffic jam yesterday.

Вопрос 18. If Vivian ... her ankle last Saturday, she ... us in the bar.

Вопрос 19. If you ... the rules, you ....

Вопрос 20. I ... guilty if I ... the customers financial details.

Вопрос 21. Britney ... home in time today, if she ... detained at work.

Вопрос 22. As soon as we ... to the destination, I ... you a ring. I m sure that everything will be all right.

Вопрос 23. When Linda ... to our town, we usually ... dinner together in our favourite restaurant.

Вопрос 24. If I ... a child, I ... myself.

Вопрос 25. We ... usually ... to the gym if we ... busy.

Вторая попытка

Вопрос 1. We ... the competition last week if our best player ... injured.

Вопрос 2. The government costs on ... are increasing.

Вопрос 3. The government froze the company s ....

Вопрос 4. It is hard for her to ... her time equally between work and family.

Вопрос 5. David got a promotion due to his ....

Вопрос 6. All the workers must wear ... to protect their eyes from dust and hazardous substances.

Вопрос 7. Increasing the tax on gasoline will ... the welfare of people.

Вопрос 8. The ... of the economic sanctions are already being felt by many international companies.

Вопрос 9. This health program was not fully ... because of its high costs.

Вопрос 10. The compliments Daniel received after the release of that movie ... his confidence.

Вопрос 11. Unfortunately, the ... in some African and Latin American countries is low.

Вопрос 12. The managers are not satisfied with the current level of ... and the financial state of the company.

Вопрос 13. People demanded ... from the politicians.

Вопрос 14. Scientists hope that this discovery will ... for the invention of cure for cancer.

Вопрос 15. Martin, you should stay overnight. If I ... you, I ... in the snow.

Вопрос 16. If the motorway ... icy that evening / the accident ....

Вопрос 17. If you ... in a hurry that day, you ... your wallet.

Вопрос 18. If I ... into time trouble last month, we ... to go to the resort.

Вопрос 19. If Caroline ... often ... overtime, she ... so exhausted. She should take some time off and relax.

Вопрос 20. I ... the speed limit now, if there ... any police officers around.

Вопрос 21. We ... the French teacher better, if she ... more slowly.

Вопрос 22. They ... us move house last Sunday if we ... them.

Вопрос 23. The plane takes off in two hours. If you ... home now, you ... the plane.

Вопрос 24. Kathrine should be more patient. If she ... her Portuguese more actively, she ... the language fluently.

Вопрос 25. Unfortunately, we failed to make a deal last Friday. If Hugh ... for the meeting with the new customer, the meeting ... a disaster.

Третья попытка

Вопрос 1. If you ... me about the meeting yesterday, I ... about it.

Вопрос 2. All the workers must wear ... to protect their eyes from dust and hazardous substances.

Вопрос 3. These leaders are trying to get as much political ... on the situation as they can.

Вопрос 4. The compliments Daniel received after the release of that movie ... his confidence.

Вопрос 5. The government froze the company s ....

Вопрос 6. The ... caused serious damage to crops and starvation.

Вопрос 7. It is hard for her to ... her time equally between work and family.

Вопрос 8. Unfortunately, the ... in some African and Latin American countries is low.

Вопрос 9. Hackers gained complete ... to the company confidential information.

Вопрос 10. David got a promotion due to his ....

Вопрос 11. Unfortunately, there are some ... on the road to mutual understanding and cooperation.

Вопрос 12. This health program was not fully ... because of its high costs.

Вопрос 13. This celebrity created such a ... that all the journalists came round.

Вопрос 14. The ... of the economic sanctions are already being felt by many international companies.

Вопрос 15. We ... usually ... to the gym if we ... busy.

Вопрос 16. Michael, you should take into account that it is better to call a taxi in advance. If you ... a taxi earlier, we ... in a traffic jam yesterday.

Вопрос 17. If I ... a child, I ... myself.

Вопрос 18. Britney ... home in time today, if she ... detained at work.

Вопрос 19. If Caroline ... often ... overtime, she ... so exhausted. She should take some time off and relax.

Вопрос 20. We ... the competition last week if our best player ... injured.

Вопрос 21. If I ... into time trouble last month, we ... to go to the resort.

Вопрос 22. If you ... the rules, you ....

Вопрос 23. Kathrine should be more patient. If she ... her Portuguese more actively, she ... the language fluently.

Вопрос 24. If Ashley ... at home that day, he ... his wife at his friends wedding.

Вопрос 25. I ... a baby-sitter for my son now, if I ... it.

Четвертая попытка

Вопрос 1. If you ... in a hurry that day, you ... your wallet.

Вопрос 2. We are searching for ways to ... the production of our cars.

Вопрос 3. People demanded ... from the politicians.

Вопрос 4. The managers are not satisfied with the current level of ... and the financial state of the company.

Вопрос 5. An ... device was found at one of the shopping malls this evening.

Вопрос 6. I have already ordered a ... mouse and keyboard for more ... work.

Вопрос 7. This company …. on software trade.

Вопрос 8. This house has a lot of cracks so it is ....

Вопрос 9. The volunteers were ... the task of rebuilding the school and the hospital.

Вопрос 10. The government costs on ... are increasing.

Вопрос 11. Increasing the tax on gasoline will ... the welfare of people.

Вопрос 12. The money must be ... into our company s bank account within 5 working days.

Вопрос 13. All the workers must wear ... to protect their eyes from dust and hazardous substances.

Вопрос 14. The government froze the company s ....

Вопрос 15. Martin, you should stay overnight. If I ... you, I ... in the snow.

Вопрос 16. If you ... me about the meeting yesterday, I ... about it.

Вопрос 17. They ... us move house last Sunday if we ... them.

Вопрос 18. As soon as we ... to the destination, I ... you a ring. Im sure that everything will be all right.

Вопрос 19. If the motorway ... icy that evening / the accident ....

Вопрос 20. Unfortunately, we failed to make a deal last Friday. If Hugh ... for the meeting with the new customer, the meeting ... a disaster.

Вопрос 21. We ... the French teacher better, if she ... more slowly.

Вопрос 22. The plane takes off in two hours. If you ... home now, you ... the plane.

Вопрос 23. I ... the speed limit now, if there ... any police officers around.

Вопрос 24. When Linda ... to our town, we usually ... dinner together in our favourite restaurant.

Вопрос 25. If Vivian ... her ankle last Saturday, she ... us in the bar.

Пятая попытка

Вопрос 1. I ... guilty if I ... the customers financial details.

Вопрос 2. This celebrity created such a ... that all the journalists came round.

Вопрос 3. This company …. on software trade.

Вопрос 4. The ... of the economic sanctions are already being felt by many international companies.

Вопрос 5. Unfortunately, the ... in some African and Latin American countries is low.

Вопрос 6. An ... device was found at one of the shopping malls this evening.

Вопрос 7. I have already ordered a ... mouse and keyboard for more ... work.

Вопрос 8. Increasing the tax on gasoline will ... the welfare of people.

Вопрос 9. This house has a lot of cracks so it is ....

Вопрос 10. The volunteers were ... the task of rebuilding the school and the hospital.

Вопрос 11. The money must be ... into our company s bank account within 5 working days.

Вопрос 12. The compliments Daniel received after the release of that movie ... his confidence.

Вопрос 13. Scientists hope that this discovery will ... for the invention of cure for cancer.

Вопрос 14. We are searching for ways to ... the production of our cars.

Вопрос 15. If I ... you, I ... for another job.

Вопрос 16. If the motorway ... icy that evening / the accident ....

Вопрос 17. If you ... in a hurry that day, you ... your wallet.

Вопрос 18. If I ... into time trouble last month, we ... to go to the resort.

Вопрос 19. We ... the French teacher better, if she ... more slowly.

Вопрос 20. If you ... the rules, you ....

Вопрос 21. If Ashley ... at home that day, he ... his wife at his friends wedding.

Вопрос 22. We ... the competition last week if our best player ... injured.

Вопрос 23. When Linda ... to our town, we usually ... dinner together in our favourite restaurant.

Вопрос 24. Martin, you should stay overnight. If I ... you, I ... in the snow.

Вопрос 25. I ... the speed limit now, if there ... any police officers around.

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Другие работы автора
Контрольная работа Контрольная
20 Июл в 18:21
55 +1
2 покупки
Тест Тест
20 Июл в 16:54
39 +2
0 покупок
Тест Тест
19 Июл в 22:20
50 +2
2 покупки
Гражданское право
Тест Тест
17 Июл в 23:13
72 +1
0 покупок
Гражданское право
Тест Тест
17 Июл в 22:57
59 +1
0 покупок
Гражданское право
Шпаргалка Шпаргалка
17 Июл в 22:52
42 +1
0 покупок
Шпаргалка Шпаргалка
17 Июл в 00:27
90 +1
0 покупок
Административное право
Шпаргалка Шпаргалка
15 Июл в 19:46
0 покупок
Информационные технологии
Тест Тест
8 Июл в 19:41
87 +2
2 покупки
Темы журнала
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Прямой эфир