Задание по АЯ

Иностранные языки
95% Антиплагиат.РУ (модуль - Интернет Free)
3 Июл в 10:42
2 курс
300 ₽
Tema6_-_zadanie_k_tekstu_2 Tema6_-_zadanie_k_tekstu_2
24 Кбайт 24 Кбайт
Файлы работы   
Каждая работа проверяется на плагиат, на момент публикации уникальность составляет не менее 40% по системе проверки eTXT.
22.3 Кбайт 300 ₽

a) Organs of legislative, executive and judicial power are interrelated.

b) The Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Arbitration and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Federal Assembly on the recommendation of the president, interpret laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.

c) The unicameral Federal Assembly, made up of the State Duma, adopts federal law, declares war, revises treaties, has the power of the purse, and has power of impeachment, by which it can remove the President.

d) The Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Federation Council on the recommendation of the president, interpret laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.

e) State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation is exercised by the organs of state authority appointed by the President.

f) The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, the founder of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, of human and civil rights and freedoms.

g) The President of the Russian Federation defines the basic domestic and foreign policy guidelines of the state apart from the Constitution and federal laws.

h) The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of four years by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of silent, equal and direct vote by secret ballot.

i) The heads of state organs responsible for security and defense are independent from the President.

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