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21 Мая 2013 в 14:29
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22.7 Кбайт 150 ₽
I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1,2 и 3 абзацы.
1. Both in maintenance and in repair of machines all kinds of fitting opera¬tions are applied. An important role is рlауеd bу disassembling and assembling operations. Special instruments are used for performing these operations.
2. Among the variety of mechanical tools used for disassembling and assem¬bling machine parts and in their repairing are -wrenches. According to their construction and application wrenches may be of different types: single-ended and double-ended nut wrenches, adjustable wrenches, socket wrenches and special wrenches.
3. A nut wrenche is used for screwing and unscrewing nuts. It consists of a handle and a head with an opening known as the span.
4. Adjustable wrenches may be used for unscrewing nuts and bolts of different dimensions.
5. Socket wrenches are applied in cases when nuts or bolt heads located in recesses are hardly accessible for a nut wrench.
6. Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a definite type.
7. Wrenches are used by drivers for repairing cars, in locksmith’s shops and fitter’s shops. Fitters use them to screw different types of machine parts as: washers, bolts, shafts, etc. Plumbers use them to repair pipes, taps, etc.

II. Найдите в тексте следующие слова и словосочетания, выпишите их и выучите.
важная роль согласно
пригонка, монтаж состоять из
детали машин в случае
различные виды и так далее, и прочее
III. Спишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них герундий или герундиальный оборот, определите его функцию в предложении и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) Special instruments are used for performing these operations.
2) A nut wrenche is used for screwing and unscrewing nuts.
3) Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a definite type.
4) Wrenches are used by drivers for repairing cars, in locksmith’s shops and fitter’s shops.
IV. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.
1) What instruments are used for disassembling and assembling machine parts?
2) What is a nut wrench used for?
3) When are adjustable wrenches applied?
4) What wrenches are used for screwing and unscrewing nuts?
5) For what purpose are wrenches used by drivers?
V. Найдите соответствующие русские словосочетания.

both … and
socket wrench
double-end wrench
single-end wrench
двусторонний ключ
как … так и
односторонний ключ
торцевой ключ

VI.Прочитайте внимательно следующие предложения и укажите номера тех, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.
1. According to their construction and application wrenches may be of different types.
2. Among the variety of mechanical tools used for disassembling and assembling machine parts and in their repairing are files.
3. Socket wrenches are applied in cases when nuts or bolt heads located in recesses are hardly accessible for a nut wrench.
4. Plumbers use wrenches to repair pipes, taps, etc.
5. Wrenches are used by fitters for repairing cars.
6. A nut wrench is used for screwing and unscrewing nuts.
VII.Спишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слова it, one, that в различных функциях.
1) A nut wrench is used for screwing and unscrewing nuts. It consists of a handle and a head with an opening knows as the span.
2) Wrenches may be of different types: adjustable wrenches and special ones.
3) One can apply adjustable wrenches for unscrewing nuts or bolt heads of different dimensions.
4) It is wrench that is used for disassembling and assembling machine parts and their repairing.
5) By means of a wrench it is possible to repair pipes, taps, etc.
6) Wrenches that are used for screwing and unscrewing nuts are adjustable ones.
VIII.Определите, какое из следующих предложений наиболее точно выражает содержание текста. Переведите его.
1) Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a different type.
2) Fitters use wrenches to screw different types of machine parts as: washers, bolts, shafts, etc.
3) Among the variety of mechanical tools used for disassembling and assembling machine parts and in their repairing are wrenches.
IX.Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами, данными ниже.
1) Both in maintenance and in … of machines all kinds of fitting operations are applied.
2) Special instruments are used for … these operations.
3) Wrench consist of a handle and a … with an opening known as the span.
4) … wrenches may be used for screwing different nuts.
repair, head, performing, adjustable.
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