Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности тест с ответами Синергия

Иностранные языки
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29 Фев 2024 в 07:42
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250 ₽
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42.3 Кбайт 42.3 Кбайт
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Каждая работа проверяется на плагиат, на момент публикации уникальность составляет не менее 40% по системе проверки eTXT.
4.4 Кбайт 250 ₽

30 вопросов с ответами Последний раз тест был сдан на 97 баллов из 100 "Отлично". Год сдачи 2023-2024– материал взят с сайта

1 Переведите фразу «Я работаю на проекте»

*I work with a project

*I work on a project

*I work at the project

*I do a project

2 Переведите фразу «Я работаю на Олега Тинькова»

*I work at Oleg Tinkof

*I work for Oleg Tinkof

*I work to Oleg Tinkof

*I have a job with Oleg Tinkof

3 Переведите фразу «Я работаю из дома»

*I work in home

*I work at home

*I work from home

*I have a job at home

4 Переведите фразу «я работаю в дизайне»

*I work for design

*I do design

*I have a job in design

*I am a designer

5 Переведите фразу «Я ответственный за тимбилдинг»

*I am responsible at team building

*I am responsible for team building

*I am responsible on team building

*I responsible for team building

6 Переведите фразу «Я занимаюсь бизнесом»

*I am business

* I do business

*I am a businessman

*I make a business

7 . Someone who starts/founds/establishes their own company or A START-UP is…





8 A business owned by two or more people who share responsibilities and profits called partnership is…



*Sole proprietorships

*Limited liability company

9 A person who buys goods or services is called …





10 A person or organization that buys something (especially expensive) is a …





11 A person or organization that sells something is a …

12 People selling things in the street are called …

13 A person, organization, or country that puts money into different projects in order to make a profit or receive interest

14 Переведите фразу “Я не уловил твое имя”

15 What is skyping?

16 In email structure Bode is …

17 Subject in an email is …

18 Which color include CMYK

19 Abbreviation COB means …

20 What is serif?

21 What is layer?

22 In printing and in writing on computer screens, the amount of space between letters …

23 When colleagues where as many ideas are produced as possible, but are then evaluated later it calls

24 An official, formal meeting of a company’s directors is called

25 A chairman/chairwoman is …

26 What is shapes?

27 A line that is extending from one corner to the opposite corner is …

28 To create an image with a pen or pencil

29 To change something in preparation for publishing

30 To make part of something darker

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