Заказ № 2567. Комсомольский-на-Амуре лесопромышленный техникум. Кон-трольная работа по Английскому языку. Вариант 1.

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Комсомольский-на-Амуре лесопромышленный техникум.

Контрольная работа по Английскому языку.

Вариант 1.

Работа выполнена и оформлена на отлично.

Принята с первого раза, без доработок.

После покупки вы получите файл Word (4 стр. с титульником).

В работе выполнены задания, представленные ниже, в оглавлении.  


I. 1. Choose the right word on the topic «Political System». Write the correct phrase in each gap.

1. The Queen … on the bills.   2. The Queen has mostly … functions. 3. The government represents the. 4. The Cabinet is ….  5. A … represents the legislative branch of power. 6. The House of Commons controls … 7. The House of Lords has the power … for one year. 8… coordinates the work of the government departments.

 signs,   the executive branch of power,  the Cabinet,  responsible for government policies,   Parliament, government,    to delay bills,   representative,     


2. Choose the correct variant in Past Simple.

1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (is/ was/ were) cloudy in the morning. 2. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she (finish / finishes / finished) it later yesterday afternoon.  3. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not helped/ didn’t helped/ didn’t help) her much. 4. Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (doesn’t play/ didn’t play/ didn’t played) tennis yesterday. 5. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (/ have lunched/ had had lunch) later.


3. Write down these numerals in English.

 первый, два, тринадцать, шестой, сто, три, две тысячи, двадцать, третий, сороковой, второй, девяносто


 4. Match time and the translation.

1. 01.10 (десять минут второго ночи) –                                             a/ it's twenty five to seven am

2. 02.15 (пятнадцать минут третьего ночи) –                                   b/ it's a quarter to nine am

3. 03.20 (двадцать минут четвёртого ночи) –                                   c/ it's ten to ten am

4. 04.25 (двадцать пять минут пятого утра) -                                   d/ it's twenty to eight am

5. 05.30 (половина шестого утра) -                                                    e/ it's five to eleven am  

6. 06.35 (без 25 минут 7) –                                                                   f/ it’s ten past one am 

7. 07.40 (без двадцати восемь утра) -                                                 g/ it’s twenty five past four am

8. 08.45 (без пятнадцати девять утра) -                                              h/it’s a quarter past two am

9. 09.50 (без десяти десять утра) –                                                      i/it’s twenty past three am

10. 10.55 (без пяти одиннадцать утра) -                                              j/it’s half past five am


5. Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct word:, somebody, something, anything, somewhere, anybody, anywhere.

1) I have to do ….  2) … opened the window. 3)John and Mary go … to the North for the holidays every year.  4) It's impossible to hear … here.  5) She knows this rule better than … else. 6) Have you seen him anywhere?


6. Translate the underlined words using Future Simple.

1. … you tomorrow. - Он позвонит тебе завтра.  2. … you her secret. - Я не скажу тебе её секрет.  3. … by next Sunday? …. -…. - Вернётся ли она к следующему воскресенью? -Да. -Нет.  4. Where … during your holiday? - Где ты остановишься во время своего отпуска?  5. Fine, … when I'm free. - Ну ладно, я дам тебе знать, когда я свободна.  6. - The phone is ringing. - … it. - Звонит телефон. - Я отвечу.


II. Работа над текстом


1/      Read the text A job in Engineering. Put the main ideas (A-D) in the same order as they are in the text.


A You need to think carefully about your personality.

В There are lots of different jobs in engineering.

С Think carefully about what you are interested in.       

D Engineering is a big subject.

A job in Engineering

    1. There are lots of different types of engineering. The one thing they have in common is that they all use Maths and Science to improve industry and         manufacturing. The whole science of engineering can be broadly divided          into three main areas:                                                      


•        civil engineering (buildings, roads, etc.)      

•        mechanical engineering (machines, including tool-making)      

•        electrical engineering (electricity, lighting, etc.)     

    2. Each of these three main area can be divided again into specialist subjects: civil engineering covers mining and bridge building, mechanical engineering covers aeronautical and automobile engineering, electrical engineering covers electricity generation and wiring.       

    3. Clearly there is a big difference between building a road and designing a computer system so the best advice for  students is:       

•        think carefully about which area of engineering interests you most. It is         difficult to study if you are not interested - and you may do the job until you are 60 years old.      

•        think about what sort of person you are. Will you be happiest working in an office, in a factory, or outdoors? Do you mind getting dirty? Do you want to work with other people or alone? If you like wearing high heels and beautiful clothes, you may not be happy on a building site.


 4. When you have decided which area you are interested in and thought realistically about what sort of person you are, then you can decide what sort of engineer you want to be.

 2/ Read the text again. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (1-4) below.

1       Engineering is/isn't a small area.

2       Engineering is/isn't about Science and Maths.

3       Office buildings and bridges are/aren't examples of civil engineering.

4       Tool- and machine-making are/aren't examples of electrical engineering.

3/ Vocabulary. Look at the types of engineers (1-5) below. First, read any new words and check the meaning in the glossary or your dictionary, write the translation. Then write whether the jobs are indoor or outdoor, and dirty or clean.

    1. petroleum 2. sanitation 3. textile 4. computer 5.chemical


4/ Decide if the sentences 1-6 below are true (T) or false (F).

1. The whole science of engineering can be broadly divided into three main areas.

2. The one thing they have in common is that they all use English and Science.

3. Civil engineering covers mining and bridge building, mechanical engineering covers aeronautical and automobile engineering, electrical engineering covers electricity generation and wiring.

4. Civil engineering (machines, including tool-making). 

5. Clearly there is no difference between building a road and designing a computer system.                                                

6. Think carefully about which area of engineering interests you most. 

5/ Translate the paragraph which is conformed to the idea: Engineering is a big subject.



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