1. Соотнесите английские слова, данные в левой колонке с их русскими эквивалентами, данными в правой колонке. (10)
1) buzzing 2) message 3) receiver 4) connection 5) conversation 6) to answer a call 7) to make a call 8) to speak over the phone 9) to hold he line 10)to leave a message
2. Прочитайте текст и переведите слова, данные в скобках, с русского на английский. (10)
Before you Start
Ве sure of the number you wish to...
(5. Снимитетрубку) ... and listen for the dial tone before you make а call...
Answering calls
Answer your telephone....
When уоu finish
Replace the handset promptly and firmly on its rest. This stops the charging if you made the call, and if you fail to do this your......
3. Закончитепредложенияподходящимисловами. (10)
1) When you pick up the phone to call someone you hear a ....
a) ringer b) dial tone c) receiver
2) If I'm not home leave a message on my ..... machine.
a) directory b) answering c) dial
3. Sally must be talking to her mom because I have been getting a ..... for two hours. и т.д.
4. Закончите следующие отрывки из разговоров по телефону фразами, данными в конце. Каждая фраза может быть использована только один раз. (14)
1. _________________________________________________________
Good morning. Could I speak to Jane Lewis, please?
2. _________________________________________________________
Lesley Winwood.
3. _________________________________________________________
She said she'd bе in аll morning.
4. _________________________________________________________
Jane Lewis.
и т.д.
5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения. (15)
Conditional I.
1. If you .... (to tell) the truth, you ..... (to feel) sorry about it. и т.д.
Conditional II.
6. If he .... (to find) her telephone number, he ..... (to phone) her. и т.д.
Conditional III.
11. If he ..... (to wait), he ...... (to meet) them. и т.д.
6. Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант (25)
1. If I knew his address, I .... him.
2. If Sue ..... anybody the news, it won’t be a secret. и т.д.
7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения.(6)
1) If Felix (to be) ..... here I would have seen him.
2) Michael would not agree even if you (to ask) ..... him.
3) If they (mention) ...... this yesterday, everything would have been done.
4) If I (to find) ..... that letter, I’ll show it to you.
5) If I meet him, I (to invite) ..... him.
6) Would they come if we (to invite) ..... them?