Заказ № 2061 Английский язык. Unit 3 Task 2

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Unit 3 Task 2
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После покупки Вы получите файл с выполненными заданиями, которые указаны ниже (все задания в прикрепленном файле):


Задание 2. THE UK

Упражнение 1. Изучите слова урока.

Упражнение 2. Изучите следующие имена собственные. Прослушайте их

правильное произношение в Глоссарии.

European Union

British Isles






Gulf Stream

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Northern Ireland


Упражнение 3. Найдите словам из рамки соответствующие значения.

day-to-day, commercial, commonwealth, influence, negotiation,

referendum, exchange, monarchy

1. the power to have an effect on people or things

2. the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an

agreement with them

3. related to buying and selling things

4. a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their

opinion about or decide an important political or social question:

5. a system of government where a king or queen, is a head of state

6. a group of countries with the same political or economic aims:

7. happening every day as a regular part of your job or life

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из

Упражнения 1.

1. According to projections by the International Monetary Fund

(IMF),____will reduce by 1.3 per cent.

2. The contribution of the industrial sector to the ______ of the country was

increasing and would help to boost its exports.

3. The________ comprises 54 countries on five continents.

4. The Maldives is an________consisting of a group of atolls in the Indian


5. Aruba is one of the four __________of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Упражнение 5. Найдите словам из колонки А синонимы в колонке В.

























Упражнение6. Прочитайте текст.

The United Kingdom, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland, is an island nation and constitutional monarchy with a

parliamentary democracy in north-western Europe. Great Britain is the largest of

the British Isles. It comprises, together with numerous smaller islands, England,

Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland occupies the north-eastern part of the island

of Ireland.

The names «United Kingdom», «Great Britain», and «England» are often used

interchangeably. The use of «Great Britain», often shortened to «Britain», to

describe the whole kingdom is common and widely accepted, although it does not

include Northern Ireland.

However, the use of «England» to mean the «United Kingdom» is not

acceptable to members of the other constituent countries, especially the Scots and

the Welsh.

The total area of the United Kingdom is 242 sq.km. The capital and largest city

is London, which is among the world’s leading commercial, financial, and cultural

centers. Other major cities include Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester in

England, Belfast and Londonderry in Northern Ireland, Edinburgh and Glasgow in

Scotland, and Swansea and Cardiff in Wales.

The climate of the United Kingdom is mild relative to its latitude. The mildness

is an effect of the warm Gulf Stream. This current brings the prevailing south-west

winds that moderate winter temperatures and bring the depressions which have the

main day-to-day influence on the weather. Winter temperatures seldom are below -

10°C and summer temperatures rarely higher than 32°C.

The population of United Kingdom is more than 56 mln people, but it is one of

the world's leading commercial and industrialized nations. In terms of gross

national product (GNP) it ranks fifth in the world, with Italy, after the United

States, Japan, Germany, and France.

The United Kingdom has made significant contributions to the world economy,

especially in technology and industry. Since World War II, however, the United

Kingdom’s most prominent exports have been cultural, including literature,

theatre, film, television, and popular music that draw on all parts of the country.

Perhaps Britain’s greatest export has been the English language, now spoken in

every corner of the world as one of the leading international mediums of cultural

and economic exchange.

The United Kingdom retains links with parts of its former empire through the

Commonwealth. It also benefits from historical and cultural links with the United

States and is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Moreover, the United Kingdom became a member of the European Union in 1973.

But in June 2016, in a referendum on whether the United Kingdom should remain

in the EU, 52 percent of British voters chose to leave. That set the stage for the

U.K. to become the first country to do so, pending the negotiations between the

U.K. and the EU on the details of the separation.

Упражнение 7. Соответствуют ли следующие высказывания

содержанию текста. Если высказывание является неверным, сделайте

необходимые дополнения и поправки.

1. Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles.

2. London is the latest city in the UK.

3. The United Kingdom is located on the territory of 242 sq.km.

4. Gulf Stream brings the prevailing south-west winds that moderate winter


5. “The UK” and “Great Britain” mean the same.

6. Britain’s economy is number five in terms of GD.

7. English is now spoken all other the world.

8. Britain is still member of the EU.

Упражнение 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. What is the official name of the UK?

2. What territory does Northern Ireland occupy?

3. What is the name “Great Britain” used to refer to?

4. What are the largest cities of the UK?

5. Why is the climate of the United Kingdom mild?

6. What is the population of the UK?

7. What is the Britain’s greatest export to the world’s culture?

8. How does the United Kingdom retain links with parts of its former empire?

9. When did the UK become a member of the EU?

10. Why the UK is on the stage of separation from the EU?

Упражнение 9. Изучите теоретический материал урока и задайте

вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. The first Britons were the Picts, who arrived about 10,000 years ago.

2. Romans who invaded and ruled for nearly 400 years built roads, bathhouses,

sewers, and large villas.

3. The head of the UK government is a prime minister and a head the state is a


4. From the European continent it is separated by the North Sea, the Straight of

Dover and the English Channel.

5. The flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is

called the Union Jack.

6. The most important sectors of the UK’s economy in 2018 were wholesale

and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services.

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