Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции. Синергия (Тест 1)

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Тема 1. What is Law? (Что такое закон?)


Arrange the sources of law according to their importance (start with the most important one):

1.   Constitution

2.   Statutes

3.   Government Regulations

4.   Ministerial regulations

5.   Ordinances

The idea of written laws goes back to ancient … culture that prospered long before the Bible was written or the civilizations of the Greeks or Romans flowered

Hammurabi’s Code contains …

·      laws of nature

·      the list of judges

·      fundamental legal concepts

Another important function of … is the protection of the legitimate interests of citizens

The system of rules which regulates society is …

Mercantile Law is …

·       a system of law concerned with the punishment of offenders

·       a system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community

·       an assemblage of customs and practices governing a broad range of business practices

There are various fields of law. The types of law students choose to pursue often determine the firms they can apply to once they graduate. Here’s a case that can be attributed to one field of law: a golf player known for his speed and elusiveness murdered his wife. Is it public law or private law? What is the area of law? Who will initiate the case?

·       This is public law as it governs relations between legal persons and the government. The area of law is Criminal law as the case is the murder. In such a case it will be a prosecutor who will initiate the case. A prosecutor is the government attorney who charges and tries cases against individuals accused of crimes

·       This is private law as it governs relations between law governs the horizontal relationships among private parties. The area of law is Criminal law as the case is the murder. In such a case it will be a prosecutor who will initiate the case. A prosecutor is the government attorney who charges and tries cases against individuals accused of crimes

·       This is public law as it governs relations between legal persons and a government. The area of law is Constitutional law as the case is the murder. In such a case it will be a prosecutor who will initiate the case. A prosecutor is the government attorney who charges and tries cases against individuals accused of crimes

Mercantile law was created in … to deal with interactions between merchants, and continues to change over time due to legislative changes, case law, and long-term trends in usage

… secure guiding liberties and rights from the unreasonable intrusions by persons, organizations, or government

·      Constitutions

·      Treaties

·      Customs

The elements to ensure legal capacities and liabilities include …

·      law enforcement

·      rules of legal procedure

·      moral rules

The Courts are to …

·      punish

·      make procedural rules

·      apply the laws of the country

The … of law comprises a number of principles of a formal and procedural character, addressing the way in which a community is governed

The oldest known evidence of a law code is the …

·       Bible

·      Ebla tablets

·       Hammurabi’s Code

The very first legislation known to history which affirmed the legal personhood of women is called the … of Hammurabi

It is not correct that … are a capacity

·       rights

·      powers

·       immunities

·      services

The … of the State Council fulfil their responsibilities independently.

A system of law that prescribes conduct perceived as threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of people inclusive of one’s self is … law

Correlate the branch of law with regulated legal relationship:

A. Administrative law

B. Criminal law

C. Constitutional law

D. Municipal law

E. corruption

F. burglary

G. rights

H. education policies

A system of law that represents rights and obligations in the sphere of business transactions is … law

Civil claims are dealt with by … law

·       criminal

·       constitutional

·      tort

The … considered the Twelve Tables, the first codification of Roman law, to be among their greatest achievements

·       Greeks

·      Romans

·       Egyptians

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