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11 Июн 2022 в 14:38
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In setting up any business the first thing to do is to estimate how much capital will be needed immediately. The amount needed will depend entirely upon the type of business, how large it is going to be, and how long it will be before the business begins to ‘pay its way’. Once these amounts have been calculated, a serious look can be taken at how the money is to be obtained.

There is a number of sources of capital which can be considered by small businessmen. They are owner’s private savings, personal friends, taking on a partner and a loan from a bank.

The most obvious source is personal savings. The advantage of an owner using his own money is that the business remains free of commitments to partners or outside lenders. It also means that all profits will be his. Personal savings remain the cheapest form of finance available.

Capital can sometimes be obtained in the form of loans from friends, neighbours or relatives. The only disadvantage is that with any business there is always a risk. This means that, if money is obtained in this way, the borrower may one day tell a friend or a relative that all the money has been lost.

Taking on a partner means persuading a person with capital to become a partner in the business. The capital would be interest-free and unlike a loan, wouldn’t have to be repaid. Profits, however, would have to be split.

A loan from a bank is another source of finance. But there exist some problems: the first is to convince the bank that the proposed business is likely to succeed. The second is that the bank will probably want some forms of ‘security’ for the loan which they can take if the loan is not repaid such as a paid-up life assurance policy, a mortgage on a house or a pledge of reasonably valuable personal possessions. A loan is usually for a fixed, clearly stated period. Interest is charged on the full amount of the loan whether it is taken out of the bank or not.

One more source of finance is leasing that means simply renting. The professional advice of a banker or a lawyer should also be taken regarding the sources of finance for business.

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After calculating the amount of capital for business one must find a source of finance.There are no disadvantages in taking a loan from friends or relatives.The amount of capital depends on the type of business and how large it is going to be.It is not possible to calculate the amount of capital for business.

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