Деловой иностранный язык 2 курс [ХГУЭП]

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Деловой иностранный язык

Контрольная работа

2 курс (бз), 4 курс (бс)



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There is a classic definition that “Leaders do the right thing and managers work toward the organization's goals using its resources in an effective and efficient manner." In a traditional sense, large organizations may have different levels of managers, including top managers, middle managers and first-line managers.

Top (or executive) managers are responsible for overseeing the whole organization and typically engage in more strategic and conceptual matters, with less attention to day-to-day detail. Top managers have middle managers working for them and who are in charge of a major function or department. Middle managers may have first-line managers working for them and who are responsible to manage the day-to-day activities of a group of workers.

Note that there are different types of managers across the same levels in the organization. A project manager is in charge of developing a certain project, e.g., development of a new building. A functional manager is in charge of a major function, such as a department in the organization, e.g., marketing, sales, engineering, finance, etc. A product manager is in charge of a product or service. Similarly, a product line manager is in charge of a group of closely related products. General managers are in charge of numerous functions within an organization or department.

What Do Managers Do?

There are four major functions of managers; planning, organizing, leading and coordinating. What managers do is the following:

1) Planning, including identifying goals, objectives, methods, resources needed to carry out methods, responsibilities and dates for completion of tasks. Examples of planning are strategic planning, business planning, project planning, staffing planning, advertising and promotions planning, etc.

2) Organizing resources to achieve the goals in an optimum fashion. Examples are organizing new departments, human resources, office and file systems, re-organizing businesses, etc.

3) Leading, including to set direction for the organization, groups and individuals and also influence people to follow that direction. Examples are establishing strategic direction (vision, values, and goals) and using methods to pursue that direction.10

4) Controlling, or coordinating, the organization's systems, processes and structures to reach effectively and efficiently goals and objectives. This includes constant monitoring and adjustment of systems, processes and structures accordingly. Examples include use of financial controls, policies and procedures, performance management processes, measures to avoid risks etc.


1. Ответьте письменно на вопросы.

1. What are the four major functions of managers?

2. What is planning? What are the kinds of planning?

3. What are the examples of organizing the resources?

4. What is "leading"?

5. What is the function of “controlling”?


2. Найдите в тексте следующие слова и словосочетания и напишите их английские эквиваленты.

Цели организации, ресурсы, руководитель высшего звена, руководитель среднего звена, руководитель низшего звена, быть ответственным за (2), стратегические вопросы, повседневные (текущие) детали, руководитель проекта, разрабатывать определённый проект, функциональный руководитель, отдел маркетинга, отдел продаж, финансовый отдел, инженерно-технический отдел, начальник производства, генеральный директор, планирование, организация, руководство, координирование, устанавливать цели, завершение работы (выполнение задания), стратегическое планирование, достигать цели, кадровый потенциал (человеческие ресурсы), контроль (мониторинг), управление качеством работы, избегать риска.


3. Сопоставьте слова и их значения.


1.     planning

a) the process of finishing an activity or job

2.     performance

b) the person or people in charge of an organization

3.     completion

c) a person responsible for a particular piece of work that will create something new or improve a situation

4.     top management

d) something that you are trying hard to achieve, especially in business or politics

5.     middle management

e) someone whose job is to manage part or all of a company or other organization

6.     project manager

f) the person who directs or controls a group, organization, country etc

7.     product manager

g) managers who are in charge of small groups of people, but do not take important decisions that affect the whole organization

8.     objective

h) the standard to which someone does something such as a job or an examination

9.     leader

i) the process of thinking about and deciding on a plan for achieving or making something

10. manager

j) a manager in a company who is responsible for the development and marketing of a particular product


4. Закончите предложения, употребляя слова данные ниже.


  completion                manager           avoid performance                 planning 

 organization               human resources                   objectives


1.     He was a ________ for Safeway Stores before leaving to start his own business.

2.      We have made good progress towards meeting our business _________.

3.     The report said the __________ of the company staff was outstanding.

4.     Such efforts put heavy strains on the financial and ________of the organization.

5.     Repair work is scheduled for___________ in August.

6.     Thus production processes require careful __________ and controlling.

7.     This is a non-profit ___________ that was founded in the 1980s to improve women’s position in the workplace.

8.     It is important to take measures to _________ the risk of fire.






Effectiveness of a manager's activity depends on certain im­portant skills. These skills can be divided into seven different cat­egories: conceptual, decision making, analytic, administrative, communicational, interpersonal and technical.

1. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see the "general picture" of an organization. Managers must understand how their duties and the duties of other managers fit together to plan their activity in a proper way and get the required results. This skill is very important for top managers because it helps them plan "super goals" and develop proper strategies for the whole organization.

2. A decision making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives. A manager must decide the following:

1) What objectives and goals must be reached?

2) What strategy must be implemented?

3) What resources must be used and how they must be distrib­uted?

4) What kind of control is needed?

3. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most impor­tant problem of many other problems and identify the causes of each problem before implementing a proper action plan. This abil­ity is especially important for top managers because they have to solve complex problems.

4. An administrative skill is the ability of a manager to keep to the organizational rules specified for the production process, within a limited budget, and coordinate the flow of information and paper work in his group and in other groups.

5. A communicational skill is the ability of manager to share his ideas and opinions with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a manager's success. Some inves­tigations show that top managers and middle managers spend ap­proximately 80% (per cent) of their work time in communicating with each other.

6. An interpersonal skill (psychological skill) is the ability to deal effectively with other people both inside and outside the orga­nization. It is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people. This skill is very important for a good psychological atmosphere for successful activity in the common work in future. If the interpersonal relations are good, a manager will be success­ful in getting a support in the development and implementation of organizational plans.

7. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish a task. The lower is a manager's level in the organization; the closer is his/her connection with the production process. Thus first-line managers have the closest connection with the production pro­cess. They need high technical skills to provide technical guidance for the subordinates. Top managers don't need these skills as much as first-line managers but the knowledge of the technical sphere is useful for all the managers.


1. Найдите в тексте следующие слова и словосочетания и напишите их английские эквиваленты.

Зависеть от определенных умений, планировать деятельность, нужным образом, получать требуемые результаты, выбрать лучшее направление, решать следующее, выяснять причину проблемы, решать сложные проблемы, ограниченный бюджет, поток информации, делиться идеями и мнениями, устно или письменно, решающий фактор успеха, приблизительно, общаться друг с другом, эффективно взаимодействовать с людьми, внутри и вне организации, понимать нужды и мотивы, хорошая психологическая атмосфера, успешная деятельность, межличностные отношения, получать поддержку, развитие и осуществление, выполнять задачу, высокие технические навыки, осуществлять техническое руководство подчиненными, быть полезным.


2. Закончите предложения.

1.  Effectiveness of a manager’s …

2.  A conceptual skill is …

3.  A decision making skill is the …

4.  An analytic skill is the ability …

5.  A communicational skill …

6.  It is the ability to understand …

7.  The lower is a manager’s level …


3. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке. Запишите предложение.

1.     skill, a, technical, is, a, task, specific, to accomplish, competence, a.

2.     decisive, factor, this, skill, a, is, success, of, a, manager’s.

3.     effectiveness, depends, on, of, a, manager, important, skills, certain.


4. Сопоставьте навык и его описание. Переведите письменно на русский язык.

Communication skill           Interpersonal skill          Administrative skills

 Decision-making skills             Technical skill              Conceptual skill


1.     _____________is the ability to visualise (see) the organisation as a whole. It includes Analytical, Creative and Initiative skills. It helps the manager to identify the causes of the problems and not the symptoms. It helps him to solve the problems for the benefit of the entire organisation. It helps the manager to fix goals for the whole organisation and to plan for every situation.

2.     ______________ is an ability to work with people. It helps the managers to understand, communicate and work with others. It also helps the managers to lead, motivate and develop team spirit. These skills are required by all managers at all levels of management. This is so, since all managers have to interact and work with people.

3.     _____________is the ability to perform the given job. These skills help the managers to use different machines and tools. It also helps them to use various procedures and techniques.

4.     ____________are required equally at all three levels of management. A manager must be able to communicate the plans and policies to the workers. Similarly, he must listen and solve the problems of the workers. He must encourage a free-flow of communication in the organisation.

5.     _____________are required at all levels of management. However, it is required more at the top-level of management. A manager must be able to take quick and correct decisions. He must also be able to implement his decision wisely. The success or failure of a manager depends upon the correctness of his decisions.

6.     ____________are required at the top-level management. The top-level managers should know how to make plans and policies. They should also know how to get the work done. They should be able to co-ordinate different activities of the organisation. They should also be able to control the full organisation.


5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.     How many categories of skills do you know?

2.     What does a conceptual skill mean?

3.     What skill is very important for top managers? Why?

4.     What are the duties of decision making managers?

5.     Does an analytic skill help to solve complex problems?

6.     If a manager keeps to the organizational rules specified for the production process, which skill does he possess?

7.     Which factor is a decisive in manager’s success?

8.     Why is a good psychological atmosphere important?

9.     What is the connection between a technical skill and level of a manager?




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