Английский язык СОО (2 часть) НСПК ИТОГОВЫЙ

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Вопрос 1


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

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Текст вопроса

... is a new one-way traffic system in the city center. It's very confusing.

Выберите один ответ:

a. that

b. it

c. there 

d. this

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If the weather forecast calls for light showers, it's going to ......... lightly.

Выберите один ответ:

a. blow

b. rain 

c. hail

d. snow

Вопрос 3


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

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Текст вопроса

A family lives in a flat on the second…

Выберите один ответ:

a. window

b. floor 

c. ceiling

d. door

Вопрос 4


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

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Текст вопроса

The new building looks awful. - I agree. It ... very nice.

Выберите один ответ:

a. didn't look

b. hasn't looked

c. doesn't look 

d. won't look

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

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Текст вопроса

If the weather forecast calls for flurries, you're probably going to experience ..........

Выберите один ответ:

a. heavy rain 

b. light wind

c. light snow

d. light rain

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It's kind of cold today. I think I'm going to bring a sweater because it's so ..........

Выберите один ответ:

a. warm

b. mild

c. nippy 

d. hot

Вопрос 7


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

There is a nice carpet on the…

Выберите один ответ:

a. window

b. floor 

c. door

d. ceiling

Вопрос 8


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The telephone is on the…

Выберите один ответ:

a. vase

b. chair

c. shelf 

d. carpet

Вопрос 9


Баллов: 0,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

When you build a house you must start by laying the ....... .

Выберите один ответ:

a. cellar

b. basement

c. foundations 

d. attic

Вопрос 10


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

You can see a lot of flower-pots on the…

Выберите один ответ:

a. computer

b. window-sill 

c. wall

d. ceiling

Вопрос 11

Частично правильный

Баллов: 2,14 из 5,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1—7, выбрав правильные ответы.


Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who's Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


1.The first paragraph implies that the public school


was more than just an educational institution.

offered the best educational curriculum.

had developed close ties with a college.

preferred students talented in sports and music.


2. Which of the following is true about the school's sports programme?


Ability to chew gum while walking was required of all participants.

The sportsmen were supposed to join the school band.

It was run on the money collected from parents.

 It played the most important role outside the curriculum.


3. The word 'others', in paragraph 3, refers to...



school clubs.




4. Which of the following is NOT the function of the Student Council?


Representation of students' interests.

Helping administration in discipline issues.

Formation of school clubs.

Participation in conduct code setting.


5. The money for the advertisements from local businessmen was used to pay for


the Journalism Club.

the publication of a monthly newspaper.

the publication of the school Yearbook.

financing the beauty contest.


6.Saturday night dances were sponsored by


the recreation center.


the school

the community.


7.Who does the title 'Keeping Busy' refer to?


young people.

school council.

town churches.




Ваш ответ частично правильный.

Вы выбрали правильных вариантов: 3.

Вопрос 12

Частично правильный

Баллов: 2,50 из 5,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

B2. Вставьте can или be able to

1. I  


be able to

  imagine how angry he is.

2. He  


be able to

  read a little Polish.

3. He  


be able to

  play a few tunes on the piano.

4. He will  


be able to

  to write to us from France.

5. I’ll  


be able to

  to earn my own living soon.

6. We  


be able to

  discuss your paper after lunch.

7. You  


be able to

  use my car.

8. They won’t  


be able to

  drive a car.

9. Mike will  


be able to

  go to the cinema. He won’t do anything at this time.

10. If you take a taxi you will   


be able to

  catch the train.


Ваш ответ частично правильный.

Вы выбрали правильных вариантов: 5.

Вопрос 13


Баллов: 20,00 из 20,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.




1. the chocolate consumed today is made

2. that chocolate, eaten in moderation

3. central and southern America for

4. of the world's most popular flavours

5. hand contains no cocoa solids and

6. cacao seeds are intensely bitter and have

7. many countries worldwide at


Chocolate is made from a number of raw and processed foods produced from the seeds of tropical cacao trees. Cacao has been cultivated in A ___ last 3000 years.


For most of this time it was made into a drink called, in translation — "bitter water". This is because В ___ to be fermented to develop a palatable flavour. After fermentation the beans are dried and roasted and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. These are then ground and liquefied into chocolate liquor.


The liquor is then processed into cocoa solids or cocoa butter. Pure chocolate contains primarily cocoa solids and butter in different proportions. Much of С ___ with added sugar.


Milk chocolate is sweetened chocolate that additionally contains either milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate on the other D ___ is therefore not a true chocolate.


Chocolate contains theobromine and phenethylamine which have physiological effects on the body. It is similar to serotonin levels in the brain. Scientists claim E ___ , can lower blood pressure. Recently, dark chocolate has also been promoted for its health benefits.


But pet owners should remember that the presence of theobromine makes it toxic to cats and dogs. Chocolate is now one F ___ , although 16 of the top 20 chocolate consuming countries are in Europe. Also interesting is that 66% of world chocolate is consumed between meals.

Выберите один ответ:

a. 6A1B5C3D4E2F

b. 5A2B4C3D1E6F

c. 1A5B5C2D4E3F

d. 3A6B1C5D2E4F 

Список литературы

Вопрос 1


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

... is a new one-way traffic system in the city center. It's very confusing.

Выберите один ответ:

a. that

b. it

c. there 

d. this

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If the weather forecast calls for light showers, it's going to ......... lightly.

Выберите один ответ:

a. blow

b. rain 

c. hail

d. snow

Вопрос 3


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A family lives in a flat on the second…

Выберите один ответ:

a. window

b. floor 

c. ceiling

d. door

Вопрос 4


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The new building looks awful. - I agree. It ... very nice.

Выберите один ответ:

a. didn't look

b. hasn't looked

c. doesn't look 

d. won't look

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If the weather forecast calls for flurries, you're probably going to experience ..........

Выберите один ответ:

a. heavy rain 

b. light wind

c. light snow

d. light rain

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It's kind of cold today. I think I'm going to bring a sweater because it's so ..........

Выберите один ответ:

a. warm

b. mild

c. nippy 

d. hot

Вопрос 7


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

There is a nice carpet on the…

Выберите один ответ:

a. window

b. floor 

c. door

d. ceiling

Вопрос 8


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The telephone is on the…

Выберите один ответ:

a. vase

b. chair

c. shelf 

d. carpet

Вопрос 9


Баллов: 0,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

When you build a house you must start by laying the ....... .

Выберите один ответ:

a. cellar

b. basement

c. foundations 

d. attic

Вопрос 10


Баллов: 2,00 из 2,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

You can see a lot of flower-pots on the…

Выберите один ответ:

a. computer

b. window-sill 

c. wall

d. ceiling

Вопрос 11

Частично правильный

Баллов: 2,14 из 5,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1—7, выбрав правильные ответы.


Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who's Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


1.The first paragraph implies that the public school


was more than just an educational institution.

offered the best educational curriculum.

had developed close ties with a college.

preferred students talented in sports and music.


2. Which of the following is true about the school's sports programme?


Ability to chew gum while walking was required of all participants.

The sportsmen were supposed to join the school band.

It was run on the money collected from parents.

 It played the most important role outside the curriculum.


3. The word 'others', in paragraph 3, refers to...



school clubs.




4. Which of the following is NOT the function of the Student Council?


Representation of students' interests.

Helping administration in discipline issues.

Formation of school clubs.

Participation in conduct code setting.


5. The money for the advertisements from local businessmen was used to pay for


the Journalism Club.

the publication of a monthly newspaper.

the publication of the school Yearbook.

financing the beauty contest.


6.Saturday night dances were sponsored by


the recreation center.


the school

the community.


7.Who does the title 'Keeping Busy' refer to?


young people.

school council.

town churches.




Ваш ответ частично правильный.

Вы выбрали правильных вариантов: 3.

Вопрос 12

Частично правильный

Баллов: 2,50 из 5,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

B2. Вставьте can или be able to

1. I  


be able to

  imagine how angry he is.

2. He  


be able to

  read a little Polish.

3. He  


be able to

  play a few tunes on the piano.

4. He will  


be able to

  to write to us from France.

5. I’ll  


be able to

  to earn my own living soon.

6. We  


be able to

  discuss your paper after lunch.

7. You  


be able to

  use my car.

8. They won’t  


be able to

  drive a car.

9. Mike will  


be able to

  go to the cinema. He won’t do anything at this time.

10. If you take a taxi you will   


be able to

  catch the train.


Ваш ответ частично правильный.

Вы выбрали правильных вариантов: 5.

Вопрос 13


Баллов: 20,00 из 20,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.




1. the chocolate consumed today is made

2. that chocolate, eaten in moderation

3. central and southern America for

4. of the world's most popular flavours

5. hand contains no cocoa solids and

6. cacao seeds are intensely bitter and have

7. many countries worldwide at


Chocolate is made from a number of raw and processed foods produced from the seeds of tropical cacao trees. Cacao has been cultivated in A ___ last 3000 years.


For most of this time it was made into a drink called, in translation — "bitter water". This is because В ___ to be fermented to develop a palatable flavour. After fermentation the beans are dried and roasted and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. These are then ground and liquefied into chocolate liquor.


The liquor is then processed into cocoa solids or cocoa butter. Pure chocolate contains primarily cocoa solids and butter in different proportions. Much of С ___ with added sugar.


Milk chocolate is sweetened chocolate that additionally contains either milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate on the other D ___ is therefore not a true chocolate.


Chocolate contains theobromine and phenethylamine which have physiological effects on the body. It is similar to serotonin levels in the brain. Scientists claim E ___ , can lower blood pressure. Recently, dark chocolate has also been promoted for its health benefits.


But pet owners should remember that the presence of theobromine makes it toxic to cats and dogs. Chocolate is now one F ___ , although 16 of the top 20 chocolate consuming countries are in Europe. Also interesting is that 66% of world chocolate is consumed between meals.

Выберите один ответ:

a. 6A1B5C3D4E2F

b. 5A2B4C3D1E6F

c. 1A5B5C2D4E3F

d. 3A6B1C5D2E4F 

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