ТулГУ. Иностранный язык, английский. Контрольная работа для магистров. Объем работы - 27 страниц.
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Labor protection at the enterprise.
Market transformations, in the process of which there is a change in the structure of ownership and forms of management in Russia, mainly had an impact on social and labor relations in General and the field of safety and health, in particular. Data on mortality, including from preventable causes in our country are much higher than those of the leading Western countries. The lack of effective technologies, the process of aging and depreciation of fixed assets in enterprises in most sectors of the economy adversely affects the rates of occupational injuries and occupational diseases.
An important prerequisite for ensuring favorable working conditions is an objective assessment of their current level. Each institution carries out organizational, technical and other activities aimed at reducing the level of factors that lead to the risk of health damage, and bringing the values of harmful and hazardous production factors to the normalized values.
Охрана труда на предприятии.
Важной предпосылкой по обеспечению благоприятных условий труда является объективная оценка их настоящего уровня. В каждом учреждении проводятся организационные, технические и другие мероприятия, направленные на снижение уровня факторов, приводящих к риску повреждения здоровья, и приведение значений вредных и опасных производственных факторов к нормированным величинам.
2. Тематический словарь
Аварийно-спасательная служба
Яд (poison)
a substance that leads in doses, even small relative to body weight, to a violation of the vital functions of the body: to poisoning, intoxication, diseases and pathological conditions. In industry, poisons are called toxicants.
3. Резюме
4. Рассказ о научной работе