Ответы на задания 1-5 / РУК/ Иностранный язык (английский) / Результат на Отлично

Иностранные языки
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В файле собраны ответы к заданиям из курса РУК Иностранный язык (английский) (Задания 1-5).

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Тема 1. Знакомство.


1. Поставьте глагол be в нужной форме и подчеркните (см.: Грамматический справочник §3).

Hello! You __ my first Web pal. We ___ the same age. I ___ from Oxford. It ___ in England. I ___ not a student. My family ___ not large. My parents ___ from Scotland. There ___ two children. My sister ___ in high school. She ___ 16. Her hobby ___ music. We ___ not rich. But we ___ happy.


2. Прочитайте текст. Разделите текст на смысловые абзацы (9).

3. Напишите заголовок на русском языке каждому абзацу.

About Myself

It is not an easy thing to speak about myself, but who knows you better than you yourself do? I am a girl of seventeen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with short straight hair, dark eyes and a slender figure. I am neither short nor tall. I like to wear high-heeled shoes, trousers or jeans. I think that I'm calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad. I don’t like staying alone. My friends say I’m sociable and have a good sense of humour. There are many things I like and some I dislike. I like cooking so I enjoy going round the markets or food stores. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of joy and pleasure. I hate lazing on the sofa in front of the TV. I was born on the 25th of April 1985 in the town of Tumanovo where I live now together with my parents and my younger sister. We are a friendly family. At school I really enjoyed studying and did a lot of homework. I was good at English, Russian and Literature. Math and sciences were sometimes a problem. School for me was not only lessons and learning. I had a lot of friends there. We organized extra class activities, took part in sports competitions and other social activities. It was difficult to decide what I wanted to be. First I wanted to follow my mother’s advice and to study economics. But at last I made up my mind to specialize in humanities and learn foreign languages. I will do my best to enter the University. And finally, the things I hope to achieve in my life are: to graduate the University, to have a very successful career, to build the house of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.


4. Выпишите из текста по одному предложению с глаголом каждого времени (см.: Грамматический справочник §5). Подчеркните сказуемые.

Настоящее простое:

Прошедшее простое:

Будущее простое:


5. Составьте рассказ о себе (10-15 предложений) по плану упражнение 3. Используйте слова и словосочетания из текста и упражнений. Соблюдайте порядок слов английского предложения (Грамматический справочник § 6, 7).


6. Прочитайте стихотворение.

а) Вставьте слова по смыслу в рифму:

longer, towns, stronger, down, earth, short, north, hot

Look! The nights are getting ____,

And the days are becoming _____,

And the wind is blowing ______,

And it’s no longer _____.

Look! The leaves are falling _____,

And are covering the _____,

Birds are leaving northern _____,

As it’s too cold in the _____.

б) Подчеркните сказуемые в форме настоящего длительного времени (см. Грамматический справочник §5).

 Тема 2. Работа


1. Прочитайте тексты о работе Паулы, Рикардо и Мерседес. Переведите вопросы после текста, ответьте кратко.

1) Paula is a student, but she has a part-time evening job as a receptionist in a night club in Buenos Aires.

When do the customers arrive?

'Our customers are usually tourists – they come at about 9.00 to see the tango show.'

What time do you start?

'I come to work at 8.00 every night of the week. The show starts at 10.00 and finishes a little after midnight.'

Do you like your job?

'Yes, I like the job. I meet people and I use my languages. I eat here after the customers leave, and I get home at about 1.00 a.m.'


2) Riccardo works in a factory in Italy. He works shifts. One week he works in the mornings between 6.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m., the next week he does afternoons, from 2.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Then he works the night shift. This starts at 10:00 p.m. and finishes at 6.00 a.m. 'I'm single, so the shifts are OK. I don't work at the weekend. I see my friends then.'


3) Mercedes works in a travel agency in Almeria in Spain. She has a full-time job but her day is in two parts. The office opens between 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Then it opens again at 5.00 p.m. and closes at 7.00 p.m. 'It's about half an hour from the house to my office. It's a very long day, and I work on Saturday too.'


a) Who of these people work full-time?

b) Who of these people work on Saturdays?

c) Who of these people meet different people every day?

d) Who leaves work in the middle of the working day?

e) Who eats after midnight?

f) Who only works in the daytime?


2. Прочитайте предложения. Отметьте, какие из них соответствуют действительности, какие – нет.

b) Factory workers give help and ideas to customers.

c) A part-time job is an eight-hour day every day.

d) Travel agencies sell tickets for visits to other countries.

e) Receptionists produce food and drinks.


3. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в пропуски и подчеркните. Переведите предложения.

job, career, occupation, shifts, temporary, permanent,

unemployed, full-time, self-employed, part-time

a) Jane has got a ___ job. She's working for two weeks while the receptionist is on holiday.

b) Ralph has been ___ since he lost his job last year. He just can't find any work.

c) He's got a ___ job. He only works ten hours a week.

d) I have plenty of work and I can do most of it at home. I'm ___, so I'm my own boss.

e) Margaret decided that she couldn't work ___ after she had children. She decided to work two days a week.

f) I'm hoping to have a ___ in medicine. I want to become a surgeon.

g) 'What do you do?' means 'What's your ___? or 'What's your ___?'

h) You've had six employers in the last two years. It's time you found a ___job!

i) If you work ___, you work at different times of the day or night.


4. а) Распределите профессии на три категории

carpenter, lawyer, labourer, teacher, accountant, plumber,

telephone engineer, cleaner, doctor, journalist

a) unskilled manual worker:

b) skilled manual worker:

c) professional:

б) Опишите каждую работу, используйте слова упражнений 3 и 4 а).

Образец:  40 hours a week July-September cleaning in a factory (full-time temporary cleaner)

a) 8 hours a week all year, teaching children

b) 40 hours a week all year, putting in new telephone lines

c) 40 hours a week, checking financial accounts (working for yourself)


5. Поставьте слова в нужном порядке, чтобы получились вопросы (см. Грамматический справочник §8). Переведите.

1) do / you / What / do / ?

2) full-time / Do / work / you / ?

3) your job / permanent / Is / temporary / or / ?

4) you / Where / work / do / ?

5) When / and / you / start/ finish / do / your work / ?

6) you / do / your / job / like / Why/ ?

7) you / do / study / Why/ at the University /?

8) career / What / you / do / to have / hope/ ?


6. Напишите 10-15 предложений о своей работе (если не работаете, о работе родителей или друга). Используйте вопросы как план и выражения из упражнений.

Тема 3. Отдых


1. Прочитайте три высказывания. Выберите для каждого высказывания соответствующее утверждение А, Б, В или Г.

А) Restful holidays involve family and friends.

Б) New places are the best places to go.

В) Holidays are perfect for hobbies.

Г) Beach holidays are extremely boring.

1) I am exhausted. I need a holiday. I have spent hours at computer terminal – sometimes late in the evenings, at weekend or on public holidays. I deserve a rest and I can afford to go anywhere for two or three weeks. But I am going to my home village and my childhood. My parents, family and many friends still live there. I am going to swim in the river with my friends again, to enjoy the picnics, homemade lemonade. I want to go fishing in the lake with my Dad and elder brothers, ride horses at the farm and sleep in the shade of the forest. (John)

2) My trouble is that I want to go everywhere and see everything. Every opportunity that comes I’ll take it! I am still young but I don’t want to miss out on any chance. This year I will go to Egypt. Is it because I can get a good price for travel or that I want to see the Pyramids? Is it because I heard about the land of the Pharaohs and the unique blend of North Africa, southern Europe and Middle East? No! It is just because I have never been there before and now is my chance. (Alice)

3) I never took a holiday abroad. To be honest it is too expensive at the moment but really, it is not a priority either. My hobby is forest photography. Within 100 miles of home there are more forests than I can explore in a lifetime. My main speciality is birds. Getting a good clear shot can take two or three days of patient setting up. I have 11 decent species shots so far and I am taking two weeks holiday this autumn to try and get a few more. (Kate)


2. В высказывании 1 измените местоимения и глаголы так, чтобы получился рассказ о Джоне от третьего лица.

Начните так: John is exhausted. He needs a holiday.

(см.: Грамматический справочник §2, 3, 4, 5)


3. Переведите высказывание 2) или 3), соблюдая правила русского языка.


4. Выпишите из текста по одному предложению с глаголом каждого времени (см.: Грамматический справочник §5). Подчеркните сказуемые.

будущее простое


прошедшее простое


настоящее простое


настоящее длительное


настоящее завершенное



5. Поставьте правильную форму глагола и подчеркните (Грамматический справочник § 3, 5, 7).

Jane: I need your advice, Mike. I ___ ___ (plan) to go on holiday this summer.

Mike: ___ you ___ (think) of a camping holiday yet?

Jane: Oh, I ___ (be) not prepared for mosquitoes and bad weather.

Mike: Some people ___ (enjoy) cooking barbecues and making bonfires.

Jane: Not me!

Mike: Last year I ___ (take) a cycling holiday. It ___ (be) great.

Jane: I ___ ___ (not like) extreme sports. May be a seaside?

Mike: In a week or two you __ (get) bored, sunburnt and lazy.

Jane: What a problem to choose the best!

Тема 4. Интернет


1. Соедините части предложений о том, для чего используют интернет (cм.: Грамматический справочник §9). Переведите.

Maria takes a language course

Jerry goes to www.tickets.com

Pedro visits a chat room

Liza finds facts about Britain

Luc pays his bills

Carla makes a Web page

to buy a plane ticket.

in order not to write checks.

to write her geography paper.

to learn French.

to show photos of her trip.

to talk to people in the Internet.


2. Прочитайте блог. Выберите намерение (цель) каждого из авторов.

1. To explain his/her generation to older people,

2. To give advice to parents of digital teenagers,

3. To talk about 80s music and fashion,

4. To ask for help with his/her two teenagers.

а) Leta: Now, I've got two teenage sons and I'm the parent. We get on well and they even like some of my music. They spend ALL their life on their laptops. They log on and spend hours online before logging off again. I use computers, too but I don’t use them all the time. What can I do? Posted 07/04/18 at 19:20 p.m.


б) MegaMix: So, you've noticed, Leta! We're the first digital generation and we multitask all the time. We have real-time chats online with our friends or post messages on their homepages. We upload music, photos and jokes to our webpages. We download music to our MP3 players or mobiles so we can listen to it offline. We play interactive computer games with people around the world. We surf the Net for our studies and log on websites to express our opinions. Posted 07/04/18 at 21.33 p.m.

в) Dr Psycho: Leta, your sons are part of “Generation Now”. Today's teens have grown up with the Net and, for them, the virtual world is as important as the real world. They are digital natives* and you are a digital immigrant**. Talk to your sons about what they do online and get online yourself! Go digital, too! Posted 07/04/18 at 22.12 p.m.

*Digital natives: people who were born after laptops, mobile phones, etc. became common (so from the early to mid-1990s).

**Digital immigrants: people born before their introduction, who have had to get used to this new technology.


3. Определите, кому из блогеров принадлежит мнение (одно мнение лишнее).

1. “Teenagers use computers too much!”

2. “My parents were conservative when I was a teenager.”

3. “Life has changed a lot because of digital technology.”

4. “Our lives are very different from our parents.”

4. Допишите слова, как они употреблены в упражнении 2.

Образец: 1) web___ - webpages,

2) web____, 3) home___, 4) lap___, 5) on___, 6) off___, 7) real___, 8) to ___load, 9) to up___, 10) to multi___.

5. Дополните глаголы в левой колонке словами из правой колонки, как они употреблены в упражнении 2 б). Переведите.


have real-time


upload photos

download music

listen to music

play interactive


log on websites


all the time,

to webpages,

to mobiles,

chats online,

the Net,


to express opinions,

computer games


6. Напишите 10-15 предложений о том, как и для чего вы используете и не используете интернет. Используйте выражения из упражнений. Соблюдайте порядок слов в утвердительном и отрицательном предложении (cм.: Грамматический справочник §6, 7).

Тема 5. Британия и британцы


1. Измените предложения, используя пассивный залог (см. Грамматический справочник §10). Переведите.

Образец: The Atlantic Ocean washes Great Britain. Атлантический океан омывает Великобританию.

Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Великобритания омывается Атлантическим океаном.

1. Napoleon described the English as a bit weird nation.

2. The English policemen don’t carry guns.

3. The tourists will visit the Madame Tussauds museum.

4. On the fifth of November the English burn effigies of unpopular politicians.

5. Henry Hemming wrote the book “In Search of English Eccentrics*.


«In Search of English Eccentrics» - «В поисках английского чудака»

care about = are worried about - заботятся

solitary - уединённый

kayak - байдарка

hermit- отшельник

solstice - равноденствие

pagan – язычник


2. Прочитай текст, выберите заголовок для каждого абзаца.

а) A definition of eccentrics

б) A twenty-first century king

в) Eccentric men and women

г) A solitary  life

д) Talking to eccentrics

е) An interesting book

ж) A book about eccentrics

1. Most of us have very ordinary daily lives. We get up at the usual time, spend hours at school or work and come home at the same time every evening. In his book on English eccentrics Henry Hemming looks at unusual people with very different lives from ours.

2. According to Hemming, eccentrics are not mad. They are “unusual” or behave differently from how society expects. They see the world differently from us, have their own personal timetables and are not worried about people's opinions of them.

3. In his book, Hemming looks at our national tradition of eccentrics and meets lots of different eccentric people. He interviews a professional boxer in aristocratic clothes, an adventurous inventor, a successful fashion designer and a famous rock musician.

4. Hemming finds people like Tom Leppard, the Leopard Man. Ninety-two percent of his body has tattoos. Tom lives alone on a beautiful, windy Scottish island in a cabin. He does not need a watch or a clock because he has no obligations. He gets up and goes to bed when he wants to. 'I can do what I like and when I like,' he says. 'And that is paradise.' On a typical day, Tom feeds the birds or goes for a swim in the sea. Every two weeks he goes to town in his kayak. He goes to the bank, gets food and then goes back home. Tom is a hermit 'but I never get lonely here,' he says.

5. Hemming's favourite eccentric is the friendly John Rothwell, now called King Arthur after the sixth century British king. 'King Arthur' does not work and has no routine or typical day. He rides around Britain on his motorbike and campaigns to save historic monuments and trees. 'I don't have a home,' says Arthur. 'I never sleep two nights in the same bed.' He does not need a diary to plan his life and his only important date is 21 June, the summer solstice. Then, Arthur goes to Stonehenge to see his 'people', the hippies and pagans at the festival.

6. Hemming's book is full of wonderful characters and is often very funny. It is definitely worth reading.


3. Переведите вопросы к тексту. Напишите ответы на русском языке.

1. Who are eccentrics?

2. Why does Tom Leppard look unusual?

3. Why doesn’t he need a clock or watch?

4. How often does he see other people?

5. Where does ‘King Arthur’ live?

6. What does he do?

7. Where and why does he go on the 21st of June?

8. Does the reviewer think it is a good book?


4. Поставьте предлоги и подчеркните (см.: Грамматический справочник §11).

The Queen of Britain has two birthdays. Elizabeth was born ___ 2:40 ___ the morning ___ 21 April 1926. ___ 1901 it has been is a tradition to celebrate the Monarch’s birthday publicly ___ summer. So the Queen’s birthday is celebrated ___ June ___ Saturday. They choose the first or the second Saturday when the weather is better. ___ 2013 Elizabeth II marked her Diamond Jubilee: she was on the throne ___ 60 years. A solemn water parade took place on the river Thames ___ this celebration.


5. Напишите эти предложения во множественном числе: (изменить надо артикль, существительные, местоимения, глаголы: см. Грамматический справочник § 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

There is one zoo in that city. It is big.

This woman has a child. He paints a fox.

That man takes a photo of his wife and baby.

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