Airport, Safety, Accommodation Can you get me a flight to NY on the 1st of June, and the return flight on the 11th? Do you know what hotel you want to stay at? What can I do for you? How long are you going
Английский язык//СИНЕРГИЯ//МОСАП//МОИ//МТИ
Do you work at the weekend? No, I … . а) doesn’t б) don’t в) how г) isn’t Is there a direct …? а) bill б) fax в) booking г) luggage д) receipt centre Е) flight Can I take this as hand …? а) bill б) fax
Английский язык//СИНЕРГИЯ//МОСАП//МОИ//МТИ
Can I have an aisle …? а) bill б) fax call в) booking г) luggage д) receipt centre е) flight Ж) seat Please take me to the city … а) bill б) fax в) booking г) luggage д) receipt Е) centre
Английский язык тест "Синергия" ответы 1 семестр
in your free time? I work flexible hours, which is great. Between 40 and 50 hours. I play golf. We're doing quite well. Hоw mаnу hоurs а wееk dо уоu wоrk? Between 40 and 50 hours. I work flexible hours
Английский язык
Free delivery • After-sales guarantee • After-sales service 3. I don’t like to pay … when I order something. I prefer to pay when I receive the product. • Free credit • A big deposit • After-sales