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What is Telephone Etiquette? Tricia Christensen It`s taken from web-newspaper WISEGEEEK It seems to me that I often forget about phone etiquette, so I was very interested in the article. Phone etiquette is a set of rules that is applied when making calls and when making calls, respectively. There are different rules for different situations. And making and receiving personal calls is not the same as making/receiving business calls. personal calls, you need to identify yourself. Hello, this is John. For example, it is important for me that a person says Hello. And of course he gave his name, if we don't communicate often. Etiquette says that next should come a request for something, such as speaking to someone else in the house. it may be necessary to leave a brief message. Sometimes, the only thing necessary is to leave a phone number. It’s a good thing to teach children, as they often don’t know it, can’t identify themselves, and won’t leave any form of concrete message. Without any doubt, say hello, should be prepared to take a message, there is no interest for the product or service, say goodbye, and gently hang up. Alternately, individuals can let unwanted calls go to voicemail. Business telephone etiquette is similar in many ways to home phone calls. The person should begin with a greeting, identify himself, and identify his employer. If a message needs to be left, it should include the nature of his business and his contact information. to be polite. Every phone call is an attempt at communication between two people; it’s a method for imparting and receiving information. So I think this article is very useful. Because we often forget about some of the rules of talking on the phone. I often forget to introduce myself or just start making excuses if I'm busy. For example, many companies and services in our city do not adhere to this etiquette. When they call and you say you're busy, they still try to offer their services. I this case I just block these numbers and don't contact this company. On the whole, if many people followed this etiquette, it would be much more productive to talk on the phone.

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