Стилистика Английского Языка Stylistics

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28 Окт 2016 в 23:59
500 ₽
10 дней
24 Окт 2016 в 18:20
Описание работы
Рубежная аттестация (термины
дать определение, фунцкции, 2-3 пример
1. Alliteratio
2. Anadiplosi
3. Anaphor
4. Anti-Climax (Bathos
5. Apokoinu Constructio
6. Assonanc
7. Asyndeto
8. Chai
9. Chiasmu
10. Climax (Gradation
11. Consonanc
12. Detached Constructio
13. Enumeratio
14. Epiphor
15. Framin
16. Gap-Sentence-Link (GSL)
17. Grapho
18. Inversio
19. Litote
20. Onomatopoei
21. Parallel Construction
22. Parenthesi
23. Polysyndeto
24. Prolepsi
25. Question in The Narrativ
26. Represented Speech
27. Rhetoric Question
28. Rhym
29. Suspens
30. Zeugm
1. Define the aim, forms, style-forming functions of scientific style
2. Describe typical peculiarities of scientific style on various linguistic levels
3. Define the aim, forms, sphere of usage and style-forming functions of th
business style
4. Describe linguistic peculiarities of the style of official documents o
different levels
5. Define the notion of "function of language". Enumerate functions o
language. Speak on how the functions of language determine peculiarities o
functional style
6. Speak on what functions of language condition newspaper style. Describ
language peculiarities of newspaper style proceeding from functions o
7. Describe language peculiarities of newspaper style on different linguisti
8. Speak about the principles of economy and its realization in the language o
9. Speak on how newspaper style fulfills its role of influencing the reader
10. Speak on the syntactical structure of newspaper headlines
11.Give the definition of informal English. Speak on what layers it falls into
Give a general characteristics of each
12.Describe language peculiarities of colloquial English from the point of view of functions of language present in this style
13.Give a description of typical features of informal English on differen
language levels (sound-level, vocabulary, morphological and syntactica
14.Speak on how the opposing tendencies-towards economy of expression an
redundancy-are realized in colloquial style
15.Describe slang as a peculiar layer of the English colloquial vocabulary. 16. Speak on the opposition of Standard English and local dialects. Describ
Cockney. Summarize the chief peculiarities of American English.
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