р1132 Анализ профессиональной литературы на иностранном языке. Часть 1

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Иностранные языки
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Срок сдачи
23 Янв в 22:55
10 дней
16 Янв в 18:47
Описание работы
На выбор, эссе(5-7 стр) или презентациюStudents may choose to create an essay or a presentation on the following topics:

1. Examples of professional literature in hospitality: journals and themes

2. Examples of scientific literature in hospitality: journals and themes

3. Terminology of hospitality in English-based literature

4. Topics and themes of professional literature in English

5. Specifics and function of professional literature in hospitality

6. Research on hospitality in Russia: publications in English

7. Research on hospitality in foreign countries: publications in English

8. Comparison of hospitality publications in Russian and in English

9. Development of professional hospitality literature in Russia: perspectives and challenges

10. Innovations in hospitality management according to chosen article

11. Marketing and advertising in professional literature

12. Hotel chains or curated hotels? Leading voices in professional literature

13. Challenges of hospitality management reflected in professional literature

14. Social and cultural challenges reflected in professional literature post Covid-19

15. Influence of hospitality industry on economy, social relations, according to professional literature

16. Analysis of an article from a professional hospitality publication (student's choice)

17. Particulars of hospitality development in a Russian city (city chosen by the student)

18. Particulars of hospitality development in a European city (city chosen by the student)

19. Challenges of hospitality industry in Asian countries, according to professional publications

20. Challenges of hospitality industry in African countries, according to professional publications

21. Reflection of hospitality industry globalization as reflected in professional literature

A sample of hospitality terminology commonly used in professional literature

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