Portfolio Assessment

Работа с текстом
Тип работы
70% eTXT
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Описание работы
A Portfolio Assessment presented in One Paper(Must pass Turnitin antiaplagiat) :
During the taught content of the module (and the entire course) material has been presented on various topics round engineering and specifically the professional and ethical practices expected of a professional engineering within a highly professional environment. Within the university resource site there are a number of case studies on this topic.
Using various resources and the research skills you have gained during the course you are required to answer the three individual sections below (but include all three sections on one answer sheet) and provide fully referenced answers to each section. This assessment is expected to be no more than THREE thousand words with each section being ONE thousand words long:
• Throughout the world there are many formats of professional engineers or charted engineers such as the IMechE or IET. You are required to select two different professional engineering bodies (from two completely different regions) and provide an in depth comparison and analysis of the two professional engineering bodies. The output of your analysis will be three alignments and three contradictions between the two bodies.

(1000 Words - 35% of the marks)
• The focus of this course is the transition of Energy from fossil fuel generation to renewable energy portfolios. It is fair to acknowledge the vast array and good practice associated within the fossil fuels sector (Coal mining, Oil and Gas extraction etc)! This section requires you to analyse the Health and Safety standards used within the fossil fuel sector (you can use the H&S standards within your workplace) and provide a synopsis of the expectations of the standard and then provide a synthesis of how these Health and Safety standards and their principles can be optimised within the renewable energy generation sector.

(1000 Words - 35% of the marks)
• Your are managing a significant project focused within the renewable energy sector. You have to hold a major “face to face” dissemination meeting to personally relay some critical information. Discuss the behaviour you expect from your team whilst you present the critical information (500 words) . Whilst you are presenting a significant number of your team “DO NOT Listen to you”. Your team are talking loudly amongst themselves, using their laptops to shop on ebay, constantly leaving and re-entering the room and generally not engaging with the meeting. Initially you tell your team to listen to you but they continue to NOT engage with the meeting. What professional and ethical actions do you take to engage your team and ensure they stop talking etc and listen to the content you are presenting (500 words). The information you are presenting is very important and thus you cannot remove people from the meeting.

(1000 Words - 30% of the marks)
In addition to the content of your submission it is important that your submission is written in a “professional” manner with an appropriate language and format which is clear and easy to follow.
Please remember this is a “level 7” Post graduate module and the expectation is that your answers will be supported by relevant citations to current/relevant literature.
It is expected that your submission will contain a front page, content page and reference section. These pages will NOT be included in the 3000 word count.
Word count
3000 words (+/- 10%)
Module learning outcomes (numbered) Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and competencies of professional engineering practice
Use critical and reflective thinking skills to analyse complex engineering problems.
Carry out an analysis and evaluation of an international engineering business scenario using data analysis techniques.
Evaluate engineering challenges associated with the implementation of Industrial Revolution 4.0 technologies within a global context.
Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment (numbered) Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and competencies of professional engineering practice
Use critical and reflective thinking skills to analyse complex engineering problems.
Carry out an analysis and evaluation of an international engineering business scenario using data analysis techniques.
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