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12 Янв в 23:55
10 дней
11 Янв в 21:19
Описание работы
I. Определив залог и время глагола-сказуемого, переведите предложения.
1. We had been waiting for the President’s return from the NRC meeting, and finally on the 7th November we found out we had won.
2. They found out how much rubbish was created.
3. We all waste too much electricity.
4. Last year people bought far too more new cars which weren’t energy-efficient.
5. Maybe governments in the future will ban cars.
II. Переведите предложения, определите функции слов “it”, “that”, “one”.
1. It was worth the wait.
2. It seemed that everybody understood the situation.
3. It is one of the best plants today.
4. Soon, I was helping that person who couldn’t find the solution.
5. Different materials have different coefficients of thermal conductivity and these are found by experiment.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции глаголов “to be”, “to have”.
1. According to the French engineers who have worked on the project, when the power station is completed it will produce about 800 mln. kilowatts hours a year.
2. Everything is collected and reused.
3. It has increased their wish and ability to work in this region.
4. The meeting in Tyumen was about opportunities in Construction Business.
5. Conventional advertising and sale promotions seemed to have little effect.
IV. Обращая внимание на функции Ving форм и инфинитива, переведите предложения.
1. Trying to control climates could also cause political problems.
2. Global warming is a real problem.
3. It has doubled their earnings, on average.
4. The Americans might find a techno-solution.
5. Perhaps we still have time to save the planet.
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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