What to include?
original title
??Introduction (relevance of the topic - pitch it to me with proofs, data may come from non-academic source/news, obviously with references; mini-literature review to proof academic gap (5 academic articles would be enough. NO NEED FOR EXTENDED LIT REV), RQ, Hypotheses (NOT OBLIGATORY), and hero narrative (1-2 sentences).
??Extensive methodology section: what's your methodology, why it is good for your study. Data collection methods (how and what data will you collect), data analysis methods (how you are going to analyze data), boundaries of the research, possible shortcomings
??Expected outcomes (2-3 sentences)
??Reference list (alphabetic order, NO TITLES ONLY IN CAPITALS, stick to APA style, actual sources only - for invented source the paper will be classified as data fabrication).
??Disclaimer note on how and what Al-based instruments you used (this is not included in the wordcount)
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