Предмет - история английского языка (Middle English and New English (modern) periods)
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1. Middle English: general characteristics.
2. Early Modern English, general characteristics.
3. Some features of vocabulary development of Middle English.
4. Vocabulary of Early New English (borrowings, assimilation of words, new ways of enrichment).
5. Changes in the sound system of the Middle and the Early Modern English periods.
6. Literature of the Middle English period: general information and some linguistic peculiarities.
7. Linguistic achievements of Chaucer.
8. Dialects of Middle English (spread, some linguistic peculiarities).
9. Some features of Middle and Early Modern English grammar.
10. Scottish English: historical development.
11. Changes in the alphabet and spelling systems in Middle and Early Modern English.
12. Formation of Standard English.
13. Grammar books and dictionaries of the Modern English Period.
14. The Era of the Bibles.
15. a) Changes in the English language (choose the topic, including ongoing changes);
b) Middle and Early New English texts (some linguistic features and content).
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