Кт “subject. predicate” variant 1 1. choose the type of the...

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Описание работы
Variant 1
1. Choose the type of the predicate (A, B or C) in the sentence.
1. Homo Economics is ill-suited to the demands of social existence.
А. compound nominal B. simple verbal C. compound verbal modal
2. The Campbells would sometimes invite us over for the weekend.
А. compound nominal B. compound verbal aspect C. compound verbal modal
3. Merchants try to sell as much as they can to their neighbors.
А. compound nominal B. compound verbal aspect C. compound verbal modal
4. The administrative body is going to be involved in redistributing of income.
А. compound nominal B. compound verbal aspect C. compound verbal modal
5. Auchan is seeking land rights in our capital.
А. compound nominal B. simple verbal C. compound verbal aspect
2. Point out the structural type of the subject and state the way it is expressed.
Model: She remained silent for a time. – “She” is a simple notional definite-personal subject, expressed by the personal pronoun in the nominative case, the 3rd personal, singular.
1. It’s the most spectacular scenery.
2. There’s thick cloud over the South of England.
3. They say it is a very interesting play.
4. Three young men talk about basketball.
5. For one to spend a summer with them was a wonderful experience.
3. Point out the structural type of the predicate and state the way it is expressed.
Model: He must go there at once. – “Must go” is a compound verbal modal predicate which consists of two parts: the modal component expressed by the modal verb “must” and the bare infinitive “go”.
1. Lifesaving deeds are starting to become routine for Duane Duffy.
2. Your father looks angry.
3. Jane Austen died a spinster in 1817.
4. After ten miles we lost sight of our native town.
5. We will have to stop smoking.
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