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13 Окт 2024 в 23:55
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11 Окт 2024 в 11:38
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1) For a deep understanding of the topic and an accurate answer to the question, it is necessary to refer to the information that is also set out in the analytical document "Upgrading authoritarianism in the Arab world". Steven Heydemann explores issues such as the exhaustion of democracy and the decline in the effectiveness of its promotion. He argues that a new model of authoritarian rule has emerged in some Arab States: "Arab regimes, which were more the result of trial and error than deliberate design, have adapted to the demands of political change by developing strategies to contain and manage the demands of democratization.


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2) Let's consider this problem based on the book by M. E. Macmillan "From the First World War to the Arab Spring: What is really going on in the Middle East?" The author helps to understand the events in the Middle East from the First World War to the "Arab Spring" (from 1914 to the early 2010s)


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1) В тексте описывается материал про то как World of military (military affected the democracy). Поскольку мы на уроке много говорили про military stopped the democracy в регионе Egypt - прошу описать подробно и четко, помощник профессора сказал уйти в детали "Egypt - how the military stops the democracy In Egypt." Описать как в Египте было и с примером.


Сейчас написано все обще и абстрактно.


2) Citations. Цитаты которые в скобках (нумерация) - прошу в этих скобках где цитирование прописать номер страниц учебника, где нашли эти цитаты.



3) Использование искусственного интеллекта - недопустимо. 


Обнаружен ИИ в следующих предложениях: 


1. For a deep understanding of the topic and an accurate answer to the question, it is necessary to refer to the information that is also set out in the analytical document "Upgrading authoritarianism in the Arab world". Steven Heydemann explores issues such as the exhaustion of democracy and the decline in the effectiveness of its promotion. He argues that a new model of authoritarian rule has emerged in some Arab States: "Arab regimes, which were more the result of trial and error than deliberate design, have adapted to the demands of political change by developing strategies to contain and manage the demands of democratization. - прошу переписать/перефразировать сделать что-то чтобы не обнаруживался ЧАТГПТ и писать более конкретно.


2. Let's consider this problem based on the book by M. E. Macmillan "From the First World War to the Arab Spring: What is really going on in the Middle East?" The author helps to understand the events in the Middle East from the First World War to the "Arab Spring" (from 1914 to the early 2010s) 



4) И снова пройтись по всем критериям - убедиться, что все четко и по критериям.


For this response paper you will be reflecting on our reading and discussion of politics, economics, and history in Egypt, and democracy in the Arab World more broadly.

This paper will be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced in 12-point type. For your paper, answer one of the following questions.

1) Give an overview of the role of the military in Egypt's economy and politics, from Gamal Abdel Nasser to the present day.

2) Why are there no Arab democracies?

3) Why did the 2011 Egyptian Revolution fail?

4) Give an overview of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian society and politics, with reference to their relative popularity before 2011 and struggles while in power.



Student references and applies relevant readings from the syllabus in their paper in a manner that shows they have understood the material.


Factual information in the paper is accurate (e.g., dates of presidents’ rule, date of a key event).


Student references at least two of the assigned readings in addition to the textbook chapter on Egypt (e.g. Diamond, Why Are There No Arab Democracies; Masoud, Has the Door Closed on Arab Democracy?).


References are written and applied correctly. Choose your favourite format (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago), and use it throughout. You may cite “Class Notes” and "PBS Documentary: Egypt in Crisis" as needed.


Paper is well-organized, correctly formatted, and does not exceed page limit.




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