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29 Сен 2024 в 09:00
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24 Сен 2024 в 04:41
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Сделать презентацию про тай вань, текст уже готов надо просто сделать презентацию. Нужно сделать четко по тексту, примитивную без крутых функций и анимаций
Taiwan is a de-facto (officialy not at all) existing country of Republic of China. It's not recognized by most of the Eastern countries and NATO as independent, though Taiwan IS since 1971, after being annexed by Japan from 1895 till the end of the WWII, and almost 40 years of desperate, but slowly attempts to separate the country from China.
The island locate near China itself, in the West Asian part. Surrounding by 3 seas and 1 ocean: by East Chinese sea from the south, Pacific ocean in the east, Northern Chinese and Fillipinian at least. The south's coast "goes" to the Korean island. Whole Taiwan is 36,197 km? with all the islands nearby. With subtropical climate, but length size, Taiwan have pretty visible differences in the Southern and Eastern sides. Both have the warm winter and hot, wet autumn and very moisture summer with the hight air temperatures. But, as most of subtropical continents have, during the rain season the Southern and Eastern sides have different seasons. First have it from the start in October, rains all winter and ends up in the march. While second have it all during whole summer and September.
For now, the President of Taiwan is Lay Cinda. Before 1971 there was Nacionalizated political regime, which was set by Chan Kaishin, one of the greatest Taiwan's politicians, who have mabe the pact of protection with USA in 1954. Then, after successful separation from China the island have been been Democratic.
Local language is Minish - one of the most usable Tai dealects with the Eastern-Indonesian roots. People in here calls themselves Tais aswell, but in fact real locals should be called as Hannci (ханьцы, 94% от всех). It's because the first name of rulers of the island was Hanci's density, before the whole Hanci was conquered by Hollanders in 1624. In 1662 Chjen Changun conquered it back, made a Min density. After there was Zin density for almost 200 years.
Religion is not pretty popular here: only 20% of all of the people are believing in Budda, following his studies, 18% is Daosict, and the rest of the all is non-religious. But! Taiwan's culture is much more interesting! Not only there's a curious matching of the old-fashioned traditional, like a Boan's temple, the Museum of Imperator's times, and high modern in the architecture, cities, like Taobay (the capital of Taiwan btw), Gaosiun (the second if the biggest cities of tje island) and the way of living, but also multicultural tangling with Hanci's traditional culture, where the family and the work at the first place, what could be seen in the daily life. In addition, Tai people using a lot of totems, dolls, whistles and other very special items to connect and to submit the dead souls. The food takes the main focus in Tai's culture. Traditional ingredients is batat, rice, weet, fish and, suddenly, a wild boar. Hanci's food is quite simple, not very spicy, comparing to the Japanese and Chinese food, which were brought to the island during different periods of Taiwan's history.
The economy consists for the most from the industrial technology. Taiwan is known for the most as the first country what made the smallest computers chip. Also there stands the world wide company, TSMC, whose products are everywhere. The main buyer of it is USA. It brings up almost 5,3 trillions per year to Taiwan's economy.
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