Seminar 1
Items to discuss:
1. Language as a system vs speech.
2. The origin of the term ‘stylistics’. Stylistics and ancient rhetoric.
3.The notion of style. Style and different spheres of people’s activities. Style in linguistics and the main spheres of its investigation.
4. Prof. Galperin’s definition of style. Other definitions of style.
5. Literary stylistics vs linguistic stylistics and the objects of their investigation.
6. Decoding stylistics as a comparatively new branch of stylistics and its approaches (Prof. I. V. Arnold).
7. Functional style.
8. Tropes and figures of speech.
9. Expressive means and stylistic devices.
10. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines (stylistics and phonetics, stylistics and lexicology, stylistics and grammar).
Task 1. Find other definitions of the term stylistics given by Russian and foreign linguists. Single out the features of stylistics they comprise. Make up a list of new branches of linguistics having some common characteristics with stylistics.