Write report about of hydropower plant rheidol power plant and low spinney wind farm (must pass turnitin antiplagiat)

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70% eTXT
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Описание работы
Module Name UK Renewable Energy Sector.

Assessment type Written Report

Assessment brief
Hydropower and wind energy contribute to the UK's efforts to reduce carbon emissions and increase energy independence. Wind power has seen significant growth, with offshore wind farms becoming increasingly common along the coastlines. Hydropower, although less prevalent, still plays a vital role, particularly in regions with suitable water resources. Both sources face challenges, including environmental impacts and regulatory hurdles, but they remain key components of the UK's renewable energy strategy.
Please write report on assessment of hydropower plant Rheidol power plant and Low Spinney wind farm. This should include capacity, technology design, operations and maintenance, policies, challenges and future prospects. You are required to support your assessment with data, statistics and references to enhance credibility and accuracy.
(2000 words )
In addition to the content of your submission it is important that your submission is written in a “professional” manner with an appropriate language and format which is clear and easy to follow.
Please remember this is a “level 7” Post graduate module and the expectation is that your answers will be supported by relevant citations to current/relevant literature.
It is expected that your submission will contain a front page, content page and reference section. These pages will NOT be included in the total word count.
Word count
2000 words (+/- 10%)
Module learning outcomes (numbered) 1. Demonstrate a breath of knowledge and understanding of the engineering challenges encountered when creating a renewable energy system.
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the various elements of an integrated renewable energy system, and their relative suitability within local contexts.
3. Analyse energy system scenarios and synthesise engineering solutions/proposals for new renewable energy technologies systems applications within original or new international contexts.
4. Deliver high quality presentations to industrial, commercial, and regulatory professionals, explaining and justifying their proposals for new renewable energy systems applications.
Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment (numbered) 1. Demonstrate a breath of knowledge and understanding of the engineering challenges encountered when creating a renewable energy system.
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the various elements of an integrated renewable energy system, and their relative suitability within local contexts.
3. Analyse energy system scenarios and synthesise engineering solutions/proposals for new renewable energy technologies systems applications within original or new international contexts.
4. Deliver high quality presentations to industrial, commercial, and regulatory professionals, explaining and justifying their proposals for new renewable energy systems applications.

A good Assignment generally requires you to answer the question and to include…
1. A title, with your student number, module, lecturer’s name and any other documentation required by the university.
2. A contents page and if appropriate, an abstract.
3. An introduction which acts as a ‘map’ to the rest of the document, describing the aim or purpose of the work and explaining how this aim is achieved. At this point it is usually helpful to paraphrase your conclusion.
4. Evidence of an appropriate level of background reading of relevant texts.
5. Evidence of systematic and clear thinking, indicative of good planning and organisation.
6. Writing which makes sense, is clearly and carefully presented (proof-read and grammar checked).
7. A critical style of writing which compares and contrasts the main theories, concepts and arguments with conclusions that are based in evidence presented.
8. A logical and well-defined structure with headings and subheadings.
9. Clearly labelled and well-presented diagrams and other graphics that are discussed in the text.
10. Adherence to usual academic standards including length and a timely submission.
11. A reference section in which every source that is cited in the text is listed and please ensure that you underpin the discussion throughout with relevant academic material to support the content, using the Harvard approach.
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