Please select any one of the following prompts and provide a 5 - 7...

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Описание работы
Please select any one of the following prompts and provide a 5 - 7 page reading evaluation based on information from the readings and (if appropriate) the class video:
Why do you think protest politics and the role of civil society were so vital to the undermining and eventual collapse of Communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe? Does protest alone lay bare the weaknesses of the state, or does it simply validate conditions that has been long existing but never openly challenged? By way of this discussion, do you think public protest requires an additional element of resistance to authority - either passive or active? Does protest = activism or are there extra steps required to bring down a regime?
25 - 30 years after the fall of single-party Communist systems, what do you think is the best way to measure the "state of democracy" in the various states and regions of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, as Rupnik states? Political pluralism? The role of external forces? The quality of life and the mobility of its citizens? Something else? A combination of a number of things?
Why is memory so important to democratic transition and consolidation? Why do legacies of the past weigh so heavily, some argue, on the present, and why is it so important, as some argue, to "reconcile" the past while building and strengthening democratic institutions in a country? Do legacies really matter, and if they do, what kinds of legacies really hold sway over a society: institutional or cultural? If cultural legacies "matter", are they really a product of path dependency, or are they more symptomatic of contemporary socio-political elites fashioning old narratives for new purposes?
You may use any of the required readings you feel are necessary to address each question, as well as class notes. Please note however that you MUST use your readings as this is a "Reading Evaluation". As I mentioned in class, I highly recommend you do this evaluation to get started, and to give me a sense of your reading, writing, and cognitive skills so I can work with you better as the semester progresses. Even if you don't do as well as you'd like on this assignment, it gives you an opportunity to develop your critical thinking skills for the remaining three evaluation opportunities.
Сверху описание этого задание нужно прочитать 4 статьи после выбрать один из 3 вопросов и ответить на вопрос.Нужно написать примерно 1.500 слов или же 2.000 и эссе должно состоять из прочитанного материала.Самое главное никого ChatGPT так как задание проверятся на плагиат через Turnitin.
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