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70% Антиплагиат.РУ (модуль - Интернет Free)Антиплагиат.ВУЗ
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6 Июл в 10:10
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4 Июл в 12:57
Описание работы

Guidelines for compiling a report on educational practice "Practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities"

1. During the practice, the student writes a final report. The purpose of the report is to show the degree of completeness of the program for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities. The report reflects the results of the interns' activities during the internship in accordance with the sections and positions of the work program, the materials necessary for writing the final qualification work, the relevant calculations, analysis, justifications, conclusions and suggestions.

2. Volume of the report (main text) – 25-30 pages. Tables, diagrams, pictures can be placed in applications, in case if they are not included in the main volume of the report. The list of documents, normative and instructive materials and literature is not included in the main volume of the report.

3. The practice report must contain:

• title page

• anti-plagiarism report

• table of contents (content);

• main part;

• applications;

• list of used sources (reporting materials of the organization, research results, regulatory documents, special literature, Internet resources, etc.).

4. In the main part it is necessary to reflect the following positions:

- disclosure of the topic of the general task with the involvement of various sources of information;

- reflection of all stages of work on the task with the involvement of information technologies of graphic modeling;

- analysis of the possibilities of information technologies in application to various areas of knowledge of project management;

- recommendations for improving the project management system in companies.

5. The practice report should be typed on a computer 

Times New Roman font; size 12 pt; spacing 1.5.

Margins: left 3 cm, right 1 cm, top and bottom 2 cm each. 

Properly formatted:

- the table of contents should indicate all sections and subsections of the report and the pages from which they begin;

- sections and subsections of the report should be appropriately highlighted in the text;

- continuous numbering of pages, tables, figures, etc. is obligatory, which must correspond to the table of contents;

- the report is bound in a folder.

6. At the end of the practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities, the report is submitted after registration at the department to the head of practice from the department.

7. Originality more than 50%

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