I. Underline the predicative construction

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Описание работы
I. Underline the predicative construction. Define the construction and its function in the sentence (30 points – 3 points for each correct answer)
1. Through the window Florence was seen packing a suitcase.
2. He could feel his heart beating fast.
3. You must have your watch repaired.
4. They were waiting for him to say something.
5. Her daughter is expected to be absent for some time.
6. I was running, with my toes hardly touching the ground.
7. The report having been made, the decision was adopted.
8. The question made him frown with some impatience.
9. She insisted on the children’s staying at home.
10. I can’t stand people smoking while I’m eating.
II. Use a necessary predicative construction instead of the subordinate clause (30 points – 3 points for each correct answer)
1. He took her arm and insisted that she should dance with him.
2. The boy didn’t deny that he had lost the book.
3. She hated when her boss reminded her of her duties.
4. When the house had been built, we got a new flat.
5. It was known that he would arrive on Friday.
6. There was nobody whom she could speak to.
7. I tried the handle, and found that the door was unlocked.
8. I noticed that she was looking at the drawings upstairs.
9. Miss Bentley walked home, and her dog trotted at her heels.
10. As the text was very difficult she couldn’t translate it.
III. Translate the sentences into English using a necessary predicative construction (30 points – 3 points for each correct answer)
1. Они не ожидали, что мы вернемся так рано.
2. Казалось, что она не слышала шума из столовой.
3. Он кивнул головой, чтобы я вошла в комнату.
4. Учитель настоял на том, чтобы оба студента извинились.
5. Мы с нетерпением ожидали, когда они навестят нас летом.
6. Кажется, он забыл о своем обещании.
7. Говорят, что они работают в Китае с 2005 года.
8. Я слышала, что они спорили в соседней комнате, но когда я вошла туда, они замолчали.
9. Так как было слишком рано, нам пришлось подождать.
10. Когда обсуждение новой книги закончилось, много людей захотели приобрести ее.
IV. Correct the mistakes in the sentences (10 points – 2 points for each correct answer)
1. Mrs. Keaton made her daughter to stay at home during the festival.
2. We saw him to get into the car.
3. She hadn’t her hair done yesterday, because the hairdresser’s was closed.
4. The book is worth to read.
5. He suggested we meeting near the caf? next day.
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