Exam Issues. 1. Old English literature.

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Exam Issues.
1. Old English literature.
2. The Middle English Literature.
3. Geoffrey Chaucer and his Canterbury Tales.
4. Renaissance literature ( Th. More, Ch. Marlowe).
5. W. Shakespeare. The periods of his creative activity.
6. The period of Enlightenment. Alexander Pope.
7. Daniel Defoe and his Robinson Crusoe.
8. Satire of J. Swift.
9. Novels of S. Richardson, H. Fielding and plays of R. Sheridan.
10. Mrs. Radcliffe, M. Shelley, R. Burns.
11. Pre-Romanticism. W. Blake.
12. The “family” novels of J. Austen.
13. W. Scott – the father of the English historical novel.
14. Romanticism, the historical background of its appearance, its characteristics.
15. Lakists, the main peculiarities of their works.
16. The Revolutionary romanticists. G.G. Byron and P.B. Shelley.
17. Critical Realism. The works of Ch. Dickens. Social problems touched upon in Dickens’s novels.
18. Critical Realism. The works of W. M. Thackery.
19. The Bronte sisters. Charlotte Bronte. The novelty of her novel Jane Eyre.
20. The Bronte sisters. Emily and Anne Bronte, their works.
21. The works of George Eliot.
22. The beginning of national literature in America (historical background).
23. Enlightenment in America ( Th. Paine, Th. Jefferson, B. Franklin ). Ph. Freneau – a poet of American revolution.
24. Romanticism in America: the characteristics, the main representatives. Poetry of W. Irving. The unique themes of F. Cooper.
25. E.A. Poe - the main fields of his creative activity. H. Longfellow –a poet and translator.
26. The literary trends of the late 19th century, the main representatives.
27. The realism of Thomas Hardy.
28. Oscar Wilde – the leader of English aestheticism.The plays and fairy tales of O.Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray..
29. The phenomenon of Lewis Carrol.
30. The general characteristics of the early 20th c literature: the genres, the most prominent writers.
31. Bernard Shaw – the revolutionist of the English drama.
32. Herbert Wells – an inventive writer.
33. J. Galsworthy. The Forsyte Saga.
34. The sharp realism of W.S. Maugham.
35. G.K. Chesterton – a religious philosopher and detective stories writer.
36. The English literature of 20-30ss of the 20th c. The general characteristics, the main representatives.
37. James Joyce. The stream of consciousness.
38. The works of V. Woolf.
39. The poetry of T.S. Eliot.
40. The works of A.Christie.
41. The works of Graham Greene.
42. The works of John R.R. Tolkien.
43. The general mood and the main representatives of the post-war literature.
44. The works of George Orwell.
45. The works of William Golding.
46. The works of Iris Murdoch.
47. The general characteristics of the American literature of the late 19th c. The specific themes of American realism.
48. The works of Mark Twain.
49. The works of O. Henry.
50. The works of J. London.
51. The general mood and the main representatives of the early 20th c. American literature.
52. The works of Theodore Dreiser.
53. The works of F.S. Fitzgerald.
54. The lost generation in the works of E. Hemingway.
55. The historical novel of M. Mitchell.
56. The general characteristics and the main representatives of the Beat generation.
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