1) Worldview: definition and structure. Different historical forms of worldview: myth, religion, philosophy. Typical features of philosophical worldview.
2) Philosophy as a science: object, subject, essential features of philosophy. Functions of philosophy.
3) Cognition and knowledge. Different forms of cognitions.
4) The problem of truth in Philosophy. Different concepts of truth.
5) Scientific cognition: essence and typical features
6) Historical concepts of science. Philosophy of Science.
7) Demarcation Problem. Auguste Comte. Law of 3 stages.
8) Verification principle. K. Popper's falsification principle.
9) Thomas Khun’s idea of scientific revolution.
10) Paradigm and 4-stages of development of science.
11) Paradigm as a Disciplinary Matrix (by T. Kuhn): Classical, Non-Classical and Post-Non-Classical Science.
12) Ethos of science by Robert Murton. CUDOS: four scientific norms.
13) The Specificity of Philosophical Worldview: definition, initial problem and principium.
14) Being as a fundamental philosophical notion. Spheres and forms of being.
15) The notion of matter in philosophy. Two philosophical approaches to matter. The levels of matter.
16) Movement, time and space as the essential qualities of matter. Specificity of biological and social time and space.
17) The problem of consciousness in modern philosophy: Chalmers, Dennett, Vasilyev.
18) The Unconscious Mind and Psyche by Sigmund Freud.
19) Hard Problem of Consciousness. Qualia and Supervenience.
20) Consciousness and Language. Homo Sapiens or Homo Loquens?
21) The key concepts for humans in philosophy: Behaviourism (B. F. Skinner, J. Watson, Guo Renyan); Psychoanalysis (Z.Freud, K.-G. Jung, E. Fromm, K. Horny).
22) The key concepts for humans in philosophy:Philosophical Anthropology (M. Scheler, H. Plessner, A. Gelen, E. Cassirer, M. Buber); Activity concept for humans (marxism).
23) Social studies and social philosophy: difference and similarities.
24) The Subject of Social philosophy. Structure of Social Philosophy.
25) Specificity of social cognition. Methodological Dualism. Objective laws in the field of social life.
Гарантия на работу | 1 год |
Средний балл | 4.96 |
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