New trends in research individual essay

Работа с текстом
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
7 Мар 2024 в 00:00
0 ₽
10 дней
4 Мар 2024 в 01:44
Описание работы
Individual task
1. Find information about emerging trends in Marketing Research methods. You can start with reading the attached article which will give you an overview of the latest trends in new research methodologies overall, and then find yourself more detailed information on specific methodologies.
2. Select one methodology from above which you like the most and describe in a short essay: o Its key characteristics
• Advantages and disadvantages
• When do you think it makes sense to use it? Provide examples of business questions, which can be addressed with this research methodology.
Essay length: ? page to 1 page max. Word format.
Due next session
Be prepared to discuss it on the next session (we will have a group discussion of the new research trends and I will ask some of you to share learnings)
You can use the article and the slide attached as a starting point for your choice of emerging method.
Select one methodology which looks interesting for you and try to find more information about it.
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