A case study report that covers the sustainability and energy efficiency performance of an organisation operating in the renewable energy sector

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Тип работы
70% eTXT
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2 Мар в 01:00
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10 дней
29 Фев в 03:43
Описание работы
A case study report that covers the sustainability and energy efficiency performance of an organisation operating in the renewable energy sector, in respect of sector best practice and the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals
• Complete a Literature Review (LR) on sustainability within industry. Sustainability is a wide field and thus feel free to explore any element of sustainability you feel relevant. Typically a literature review will demand use of relevant literature and thus it is expected that current relevant citations and references will be used. Note sustainability is a “fast moving topic” and thus please ensure that references are current.
(40% of Marks – circa 1200 words)
• Select a relevant organisation and undertake a critical analysis of its energy efficiency performance including a review of how the energy efficiency performance is measured and communicated. You will need to undertake research on a relevant organisation and this may be an organisation you have or currently are employed at. Whilst the expectation is to research an organisation to find factual data you may need to make assumptions in certain areas thus any assumptions must be clearly stated.
(30% of Marks – circa 900 words)
• Using the same relevant organisation above undertake a critical analysis of current sector best practice and making reference to the UN Sustainability Development Goals provide suggestions of actions your chosen organisation could undertake to improve/increase its level of sustainability whilst retaining its profit margins
(30% of Marks – circa 900 words)
In addition to the content of your submission it is important that your submission is written in a “professional” manner with an appropriate language and format which is clear and easy to follow
Please remember this is a “level 7” Post graduate module and the expectation is that your answers will be supported by relevant citations to current/relevant literature.
It is expected that your submission will contain a front page, content page and reference section. These pages will NOT be included in the 3000 wordcount.
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