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По учебнику И. Р. Гальперина 

Изучите материал стр. 148 -190 (Lexical SDs) 

Стр. 191- 248 (Syntactical SDs) 

Изучите текст для стилистического анализа. Выделите все возможные стилистические 

приемы, классифицируйте их по соответствующим группам . 

As the only endowments with which Nature had gifted Lady Crawley were those of pink cheeks 

and a white skin, and as she had no sort of character, nor talents, nor opinions, nor occupations, 

nor amusements, nor that vigour of soul and ferocity of temper which often falls to the lot of 

entirely foolish women, her hold upon Sir Pitt's affections was not very great. Her roses faded 

out of her cheeks, and the pretty freshness left her figure after the birth of a couple of children, 

and she became a mere machine in her husband's house of no more use than the late Lady 

Crawley's grand piano. Being a light-complexioned woman, she wore light clothes, as most 

blondes will, and appeared, in preference, in draggled sea-green, or slatternly sky-blue. She 

worked that worsted day and night, or other pieces like it. She had counterpanes in the course of 

a few years to all the beds in Crawley. She had a small flower-garden, for which she had rather 

an affection; but beyond this no other like or disliking. When her husband was rude to her she 

was apathetic: whenever he struck her she cried. She had not character enough to take to 

drinking, and moaned about, slipshod and in curl-papers all day. 0 Vanity Fair— Vanity Fair! 

This might have been, but for you, a cheery lass--Peter Butt and Rose a happy man and wife, in a 

snug farm, with a hearty family; and an honest portion of pleasures, cares, hopes and struggles— 

but a title and a coach and four are toys more precious than happiness in Vanity Fair: and if 

Harry the Eighth or Bluebeard were alive now, and wanted a tenth wife, do you suppose he could 

not get the prettiest girl that shall be presented this season? 

(W. Thackeray “ Vanity Fair”)

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