Сочинение-анализ на английском

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Описание работы

Надо написать сочинение-анализ  на английском языке. 

В сочинении важно проанализировать причину почему автор написал предоставленное произведение, и какие техники он использовал чтобы иллюстрировать эту причину.

Полное описание запроса здесь👇🏼

First, analyze the author’s purpose in writing the story. What is he or she trying to say? What does he or she want the reader to learn? Studying the author’s background and some of his or her essays would help you answer these questions. You must use at least one such scholarly source in the purpose paragraph of your essay. Use one of the suggested articles in the outline below or find a scholarly article in the ORU Library databases, especially Bloom's Literature or Literary Reference.  You may also research material in other scholarly peer-reviewed sources, but I must approve any such sources in advance.  

Second, analyze the techniques the author uses to convey her message: point of view, characters, setting, dialogue, figurative language, irony, imagery, symbolism, biblical allusions.

The purpose of this assignment is to show how well you can analyze a short story for yourself and how well you can use scholarly sources to discover information about the author and the context of the story. Using Internet sources which analyze the stories, therefore, defeats the purpose of the assignment and I will consider use of such Internet sources cheating.



Структура сочинения:

2,5/3 страницы, 12 pt Times New Roman, двух междустрочный интервал. 6 параграфов:

I. Introduction (Paragraph 1):

Include the title of the story and the author’s full name, as well as a thesis statement asserting how the author furthers his or her purpose through the various literary techniques he or she employs in his or her writing.

II. Body

A. Purpose (Paragraph 2)

Discuss the purpose of the story using background information. Use quotes, paraphrases, or summaries to support your assertions. What was the author’s reason for writing this story? You must cite information from a scholarly source.

For Flannery O'Connor:

“Novelist and Believer,” Encounters,p. 467, click the link

“The Iconographic Fiction of Flannery O’Connor,” Encounters, p. 483, click the link. 


B. First Literary Technique (Paragraph 3/4)

State in the topic sentence how the author employs the first literary technique, provide examples from the work to support your assertion, and then include an analytical statement that relates this technique to his or her purpose. You should have at least two examples supported by in-text citations from the story itself.

C. Second Literary Technique (Paragraph 4/5)

State in the topic sentence how the author employs the second technique, provide examples from the work to support your assertion, and then include an analytical statement that relates this technique to his or her purpose.  You should have at least two examples supported by in-text citations from the story itself.

D. Third Literary Technique (Paragraph 5/6)

State in the topic sentence how the author employs the third technique, provide examples from the work to support your assertion, and then include an analytical statement that relates this technique to his or her purpose.  You should have at least two examples supported by in-text citations from the story itself.

III. Conclusion (Paragraph 6 or 7)

Tie all the points together clearly in an exciting manner, driving home clearly the main point. Draw general conclusions about how the author uses the various techniques to convey his or her purpose to his or her readers.

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