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29 Янв в 23:55
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5 дней
29 Янв в 08:32
Описание работы

Dear Sirs, This morning we took delivery of the 50 boards of prime quality wood ordered as per our letter of 1 November.

The quality of 2 of the boards is, however, unsatisfactory rendering them unsuitable for use. We feel sure that this is an oversight on your part but, owing to the considerable number of orders in hand, we had no alternative but to return the goods in question to you, carriage forward, on the assumption that you will arrange for replacements to be sent to us by return to enable us to keep to production schedules. We trust that you will be in agreement with this course of action and look forward to receiving replacements corresponding to your otherwise high standards.

II. Составьте 2 деловых письма на английском языке (рекламация и ответ на нее).Соблюдайте нормы вежливости и правила оформления деловой корреспонденции:

Вы являетесь менеджером по закупкам российской компании «Рог изобилия» (г.Санкт-Петербург»). Вы получили 20 сентября партию газонокосилок, которая должна была быть доставлена 1 августа текущего года. Кроме того, газонокосилка в ящике №3, очевидно, была повреждена морской водой при перевозке, т.к. на металлических деталях обнаружены следы коррозии. Напишите письмо-рекламацию производителю (компания TrendLtd., Beijing, China), опишите свои претензии и потребуйте замены поврежденного товара и денежной компенсации за просроченную поставку. В ответном письме от менеджера китайской компании извинитесь, объясните причины задержки поставки и повреждения товара, предложите разумную компенсацию ущерба.

1. Mr. Sergey Leonov

Assistant Manager


1236,LigovskyProspekt56, office 602

Saint Petersburg, Russia


Trend Ltd.,

8303, No. 8 Building,

3rd Yongchang North Road

Beijing, China

Saint Petersburg, 20th September, 20...

 Dear Sirs, I am writing to inform you that today, on September 20th, we received the ordered shipment of lawnmowers which, however, should have been delivered as early as August 1st. Furthermore, one lawnmower, which was in box #3, has apparently been damaged by sea water in transit, as we detected traces of corrosion on the metal parts.

We consider this an oversight on your part and would like you to replace the damaged item and pay us back for the overdue shipping.

Please let us know your decision within 2 days.

 Yours faithfully,

Sergey Leonov

Assistant Manager


2. Mr. Jack Ma Yun

    General Manager

Trend Ltd.,

8303, No. 8 Building,

3rd Yongchang North Road

Beijing, China


Mr. Sergey Leonov

Assistant Manager


1236, LigovskyProspekt 56, office 602

Saint Petersburg, Russia

    Beijing, 20th September, 20...

 Dear Mr. Leonov, We were very disappointed to find out that the batch of lawnmowers you ordered was delivered to you with such a long delay. We found out that this was due to customs clearance. Regarding the damage to one of the lawnmowers, we have no idea how this could have happened and therefore we apologize deeply for this unpleasant incident and are ready to replace the damaged product with a new one as well as compensate the overdue delivery, which was partly due to our fault, in the amount of 25% of the product price.

We sincerely hope that this unpleasant experience will not affect our further cooperation and that you will have no further reason to complain about our work.

 Yours faithfully,

Jack Ma Yun

General Manager

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