10 заданий (простых)

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Описание работы
1. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.
1. There is a sheep in the field.
2. It is not an interesting film.
3. The girl found a flight to Delhi.
4. The wolf is very hungry.
5. My wife is a good cook.
6. This child is smart.
7. It is a deep river.
8. I like a mountain

2. Перепишите предложения, используя существительное в скобках в
притяжательном падеже.
1. His camera is modern (Tom).
2. Their children are wonderful (Mark and Mary).
3. That bicycle is his (John).
4. Those glasses are his (my father).
5. Where are their books? (children).
6. His films are not moving (director).
7. It is his helicopter (boss)
8. What do you think of his research? (scientist).
3. Переведите предложения, определите степень прилагательного.
1. Is a tiger the largest of all the big cats?
2. Your accent is worse than mine.
3. This wine is the most expensive in the world.
4. Is the Amazon longer than the Thames?
5. The Blacks have less money than the Browns.
6. A computer is faster than a typewriter.
7. For me, Paris was more interesting than Melbourne.
8. Her party was the best I have ever been to.

4. Поставьте прилагательное, заключенное в скобках, в соответствующую степень.
1. I always win a little prize for (bad) garden in the town.
2. Who is the (strong) in your form?
3. The hours at my new job are (short) than the hours at my old job.
4. That mountain is very (high).
5. Bill works (hard) than Joe and grows (many) flowers and vegetables but Joe's garden is
6. Paris is (romantic) city I have ever been to.
7. Italian drivers are (bad) English ones.
8. In my town the people are (hospitable) than anywhere else

5. Дополните предложения местоимениями (личные, объектные).
1. Give … the flowers (ей).
2. … wants to show … flat to … (он/ твою/ нам).
3. … didn't phone yesterday (мы).
4. … are reading a detective story (они).
5. Bring … … umbrellas (им/ наши).
6. … miss … (я/ по нему).
7. Those are … toys (мои).
8. … bedrooms are very untidy (их)

6. Дополните предложения местоимениями (возвратные).
1. Both our children hurt … outside.
2. I did this difficult task … .
3. The little girl ate all that ice-cream … .
4. We read all these books … .
5. Have you seen it …?
6. Andrew drank all that wine … three days ago.
7. The exam … wasn't difficult, but the exam room was horrible.
8. Never mind. We'll do it …

7. Раскройте скобки, поставьте заключенные в них глаголы в Present Simple или
Future Simple.
1. She (be) here in a few minutes.
2. He never (leave) his wallet.
3. Private cars (not disappear) before the year 2020
4. Nurses (work) in clinics and hospitals.
5. … all the family (be) at the wedding?
6. That house (belong) to me.
7. In the year 2030, people (eat) the same things as they (do) now.
8. The Queen of England (live) in Buckingham Palace

8. Раскройте скобки, поставьте заключенные в них глаголы в Past Simple.
1. My father (not find) his glasses in the laboratory.
2. He (have) breakfast yesterday morning?
3. Our family (pay) a lot for the house.
4. Nobody (sit) in the first row at the theatre.
5. Mr. Black's son (become a journalist).
6. The students (write) a test at their previous lesson.
7. They (discuss) the plan at the meeting last week?
8. The bell (ring) and the pupils (leave) the room

9. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past
1. We … our car a month ago.
a) will sell
b) sold
c) sell
2. Our neighbor … from the Portsmouth tomorrow.
a) sail
b) will sail
c) didn’t sail
3. On Saturday mornings our family … the house together.
a) will clean
b) clean
c) cleaned
4. Helen … her umbrella yesterday.
a) lose
b) will lose
c) lost
5. One day all people … all over the world.
a) travelled
b) travel
c) will travel
6. Mr. Fraklin … at the weekends.
a) won't work
b) didn’t work
c) doesn’t work
7. We … at the seaside for a month last year.
a) stayed
b) will stay
c) stay
8. Finish your homework or you … to the party!
a) didn’t g
b) won't go
c) don’t g

10. Раскройте скобки, поставьте заключенный в них глагол to be в соответствующей
форме и времени (there is/are, there was/were, there will be).
1. … no jam in the jar.
2. … any onions?
3. … hole in my jeans.
4. … thunderstorm tonight.
5. … any pepper in the pepper-pot?
6. Once upon a time … a just king.
7. … a wonderful concert of classical music at the concert-hall last weekend.
8. … a lot of noise at the entertainment center tomorrow.
Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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4 дня 3 часа 17 минут
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