Supply Chain Project

Работа с текстом
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
16 Дек 2023 в 17:00
0 ₽
10 дней
10 Дек 2023 в 12:43
Описание работы
You need to purchase RAW material for your factory
Find your suppliers/Origins to source the material to deliver to the Factory
Put the map on the slide to show the sorce of Origin of your material
you need to list materilas& Prices form the suppliers & volume needed for 1 month ( links are must)
Maretials & RAW Prices & origins should be shown in the presentation at the class
Maretials & RAW Prices & origins & volumes should be in xls - sent after the class
Show in the xls how you calculated voleme needed - sent after the class
your materials are: Cocoa Beans, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa PWD ( you will produce by yourself), Dry Milk, Sugar, Nuts ( whooe roasted hazelnut), aroma Vanilla
your Factory can produce our of Cocoa Bean: Cocoa liquor.
your Factory Produces Cocoa Liquor from Beans. 1000 mt of cocoa Beans are 800 mt of Cocoa Liquor ( 20% are shells)
Out of Cocoa Liquor you can produce 50% of Butter ( white Choco) & 50% Pwd) - so, you can use all 3 elements in the production depending on your recipe
If your recipes include materilas more than in the point "your materias are" - change the recipe
Your material should be purchased from its place of growth
Delivery should be from the place of growth
On this step no Need to calculate the price for the delivery
To calculate Cocoa Butter price take the Ratio 2 ( Futures * 2)
To finish the task easier& faster: Split in responsabilities: calculator of volumes for the purchase+ recipe changer ( 2 ppl), Searcher of origing(2 ppl), Searcher of prices(2ppl). After: Map draw. Xls finalisation, Presentation with links drawing
Before the purchase, calculate the volume of each material needed for 1 month
Take open sources to find the origin ( could be sevaral, you define yours)
Use open sources for prices: Indexes&Stocks/market exchange
Use current prices or the nearest possible month you can find ( text me in case of issue)
Most materials you purchase are commodities and have open sources & indexes for price: Cocoa, Sugar ( IKAR-local index), Milk ( IKAR)
For Cocoa Beans price take the price of London Futures for March
To calculate Cocoa Butter cost take the Ratio 2 ( Futures * 2)
No packaging needed to calculate & search
you can use current the exchange rate ( fix in the presentation) to transfwr prices in Rub.
3-4 слайда + xls с расчетами
Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
Стоимость Назначаете сами
Эксперт Выбираете сами
Уникальность работы от 70%
Время выполнения заказа:
4 дня 13 часов 17 минут
Выполнен в срок
Отзыв о выполненном заказе
Нужна аналогичная работа?
Оформи быстрый заказ и узнай стоимость
Гарантированные бесплатные доработки
Быстрое выполнение от 2 часов
Проверка работы на плагиат
Темы журнала
Показать ещё
Прямой эфир