20. Write an academic essay on the topic “What Is the Role of Science and Technology in the Society?”.
Write at least 250 words (see Appendix 2).
21. Write an academic essay on one of the following topics: “Science and Technology Hazards of Today’s Life”, “Science is the First Step to Technological Progress”.
Write at least 250 words (see Appendix 2).
Writing Tip. You should remember to:
— divide your essay into three parts: introduction, bogy, and conclusion;
— have a clear introduction telling the reader briefly what areas you are going to cover;
— make it clear which side of an argument you are presenting (use clear linking expressions such as ‘On the one hand ...’; ‘On the other hand ...’) and make sure you do not mix two sides of an argument in the same paragraph;
— give examples clearly (choose good examples which illustrate your argument when you take notes (use expressions such as ‘We can see an example of this ... ’);
— make it clear when you are giving your own opinion (use expressions such as ‘in my view ... ’); — give a clear conclusion which relates your argument back to the original question and summarizes your opinion.