придумать тему и содержание на англ языке и подкрепить некоторыми факторами
пример темы: The impact of gender on conformity values in Russia and Norway
1)What is the main research question?
2)What is the importance of the study (rationale, problem statement)?
3)What is the novelty of the study (contribution)?
4)What countries do you choose and why? What are your main hypothesis (expectations) about the results? Why? Provide theoretical explanation (use existing theories from the literature) for your expectations
5)Describe secondary data you are going to use? Provide a link if possible
6)What questions from a questionnaire you are going to use for your analysis? Provide a detailed description of question wording and answers
вот такие пункты надо сделать; тема должна примерно выглядить вот так : влияние чего-то на что-то в Х стране и Y стране
Possible topics:
Political attitudes and voting behavior
Human values
Gender equality and gender attitudes
Religion and secularization
Subjective well-being and happiness
Tolerance, nationalism and migration,
Social capital, trust, civic participation
Environment attitudes and behavior
Your own topic
Гарантия на работу | 1 год |
Средний балл | 4.96 |
Стоимость | Назначаете сами |
Эксперт | Выбираете сами |
Уникальность работы | от 70% |