Ответы на билеты

Иностранные языки
Английский язык
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
13 Сен 2023 в 23:00
0 ₽
10 дней
9 Сен 2023 в 01:43
Описание работы
1. Borrowings. (Waves of borrowings). 2. Define and exemplify the following terms: paradigm, lexeme, grammatical category 3. Define and exemplify the modality of assessment and the modality of irreality. 4. Discuss the category of number in terms of the following oppositions: discrete vs. non-discrete objects, collective vs. singulative meanings, and regular vs. irregular plural forms 5. English intonation phrase: its parts and notation symbols. 6. Etymology. Etymological structure of the English Vocabulary. 7. Explain and exemplify the lexical, grammatical and phonetic means of expressing modality 8. Explain and exemplify the referential function. Discuss the opposition of definiteness vs. indefiniteness, permanent definiteness vs. occasional definiteness, referent usage vs. non-referent usage, strong indefiniteness vs. weak indefiniteness 9. Explain and exemplify the role of passive constructions in English 10. Explain the difference between deictic and taxic characteristics of a situation. Define the quantitative and the linear type of verb aspect? 11. Explain the difference between the word-combination and the sentence. Give the syntactic classification of word-combinations. What is the role of fixed word order in the English language? 12. Formal or informal words. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. 13. Grouping of words: word-families, lexico-semantic, fields (LSF); thematic groups. 14. Homonymy: homonyms, homographs, homophones. 15. Lexicology. The branches of Lexicology. 16. Linguistics. General Linguistics. Branches of Linguistics. 17. Long and short vowels in English: what is the real difference between them? 18. Rhythm: what is the difference between stress-timing and syllable-timing? Is English a stress-timed language or a syllable-timed language? Is Russian a stress-timed language or a syllable-timed language? 19. Voiced and voiceless consonants in English. Why are they called lenis and fortis? What is aspiration? 20. What are the main features of English consonants?
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