Необходимо ответить в формате мини-эссе (на полстраницы или страницу) на английском языке на 14 вопросов на тему менеджмента:
1. Managers and organizations: the terms of organization, firm, management, efficiency in the broad and narrow sense. The emergence and development of professional management. Management decision-making.
2. The concept of strategy and strategic management. Corporate, competitive and functional strategies. Modern views on strategic management. Reasons, advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration and diversification.
3. External environment of organization: levels, basic parameters, the organization– environment relationship.
4. Concepts of organizational growth, organizational development, organizational changes. Model of organizational growth by L. Greiner. Life cycle of the organization by I. Adizes. Concept and elements of organizational culture. Types of organizational culture. Models of organizational change. Resistance to organizational change and its sources.
5. The concepts of leaders and leadership; leadership and power. Evolution of views on the phenomenon of leadership. Practical aspects of leadership.
6. The concepts of motivation. Basic theory of motivation.
7. Definition of entrepreneurship. Characteristics of entrepreneurs.
8. Сorporate social responsibility and sustainability.
9. Leading teams: types, roles and processes.
10. Definition of marketing. The role of marketing in the organization's strategy.
11. A manager VS an entrepreneur: what happens when one meets another?
12. Smart city projects’ stakeholders: is it possible to define their value?
13. Smart city and economic development – should these trajectories of urban development be followed simultaneously?
14. Big Data: big challenge or big problem?
Дедлайн - среда 26 июля 20:00.